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American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Danger R, Chesneau M, Delbos F, Lebot S, Kerleau C, Chenouard A, Cesbron A, Giral M, Brouard S.
"Early CXCR5+PD1+ICOS+ circulating follicular T helpers are associated with de Novo donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies after renal transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Dujardin A, Lorent M, Kerleau C, Brouard S, Giral M.
"Post-transplant lymphopenia is associated with higher risk of graft failure, death and viral infections."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Masset C, Boucquemont J, Garrigue V, Ladrière M, Buron F, Cassuto E, Foucher Y, J. Dantal J.
"Induction therapy in elderly kidney transplant recipients with low immunological risk."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Cantarovich D, Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Branchereau J, Karam G.
"Fasting blood glucose: A simple and reliable marker to predict late pancreas graft failure."
112E CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS D'UROLOGIE (CFU) (Paris, France) Batard T, Karam G, Glemain P, Le Normand L, Perrouin-Verbe M, Nedellec M, Bouchot O, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Martin-Lefevre L, Dantal, Rigaud J, Branchereau J.
"Transplantations rénale à partir de DDACM3, presque aussi bien que le donneur vivant !."
112E CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS D'UROLOGIE (CFU) (Paris, France) Fosse A, G. Karam G, Branchereau J, Bruyere F.
"Faut-il utiliser les reins des donneurs cadavériques en état de mort encéphalique ayant une fonction rénale altérée ? Résultats à un an."
27th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS) (Madrid, Espagne) Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Karam G, Branchereau J, Péré M, Cantarovich D.
"One-Year Blood Glucose Level is the Best Metabolic Marker for the Prediction of Late Pancreas Graft Failure."
Congrès annuel de la Société Francophone du Diabète (Nantes, France) Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Péré M, Cantarovich D.
"Marqueurs métaboliques prédictifs d’une dysfonction tardive du greffon pancréatique : analyse rétrospective chez 354 patients transplantés entre 2000 et 2015."
77ème congrès de la Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne SNFMI (Lyon, France)
Abstract Link
Richard-Colmant G, Buron F, Thaunat O, Morelon E, Hot A.
"Lupus érythémateux disséminé et transplantation rénale : premiers résultats de l’étude Outcome of Kidney Transplantation And Lupus Erythematosus (OKTALE)."
Autumn School DHU2020 (Nantes, France) Fournier M.C, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Dynamic predictions of long-term kidney graft failure: an information tool promoting patient-centered care."
Journées du GDR "Statistiques et Santé" (Nantes, France) Fournier M.C, Le Borgne F, Loncle C, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Plug-Stat® : un nouveau logiciel statistique sur mesure pour mieux valoriser les données de cohortes. Exemple de l'étude de l'impact en vie réelle de l'utilisation des machines de perfusion en transplantation rénale."
7e rencontres R (Rennes, France) Fournier M.C, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Une application Shiny pour prédire dynamiquement la survie patient-greffon d'un patient transplanté rénal : vers une décision médicale plus partagée."
4e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Fournier M.C, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Valoriser ses données de cohorte avec Plug-Stat®: exemple de réalisation d'une étude sur les données de DIVAT."
3e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Boulay H, Oger E, Cantarovich D, Gatault P, Thierry A, Le Meur Y, Sayegh J, Vigneau C, Lorcy N.
"L’absence de prophylaxie anti-CMV n’est pas délétère chez les greffés rénaux immunisés contre le CMV recevant une induction non déplétante. Etude rétrospective multicentrique de 372 patients."
3e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Lenain R, Foucher Y, Legendre C, Badet L , Girerd S, Garrigue V, Glotz D, Albano L, Giral M, Dantal J.
"Effet de la machine de perfusion sur la survie greffon-patient selon les caractéristiques du donneur en transplantation rénale."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Scemla A, Perrier MC, Lortholary O, Girerd S, Kerleau C, Garrigues V, Buron F, Kamar N, Legendre C, Bouatou Y, Lefaucheur C, Giral M, Loupy A.
"Natural history and determinants of infectious complications after kidney transplantation: A nationwide prospective population based cohort."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Karam G, Batard T, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Pancreas retransplantation: Outcomes of this technical and immunological challenge over 38 patients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Conrad A, Petruzzo P, Kanitakis J, Gazarian A, Badet L, Vanhems P, Thaunat O, Morelon E, Sicard A.
"Burden of infectious complications after upper extremity allotransplantation: A matched cohort study."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (Toulouse, France) Scemla A, Perrier MC, Kamar N, Garrigues V, Girerd S, Buron F, Manda V, Legendre C, Giral M, Loupy A.
"Histoire naturelle et déterminants des complications infectieuses après transplantation rénale dans la cohorte Divat."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Nice, France)
Abstract Link
Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Prédictions dynamiques du risque d’échec de greffe : un outil pour aider à l’information des patients transplantés rénaux et à une prise en charge centrée sur le patient et ses attentes."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Danger R, Chesneau M, Paul C, Guerif P, Durand M, ANewell K, Kanaparthi S, A Turka L, Soulillou JP, Houlgatte R, Giral M, Ramstein G, Brouard S.
"A composite score associated with spontaneous operational tolerance in kidney transplant recipients."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Querard AH, Leborgne F, Dion A, Giral M, Morelon E, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Kamar N, Loupy A, Legendre C, Rostaing L, Buron F, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"Propensity score-based comparison of the graft failure risk between kidney transplant recipients of standard and expanded criteria donor grafts: toward increasing the pool of marginal donors."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Guillot-Gueguen C, Batard T, Branchereau J.
"Pancreas retransplantation is not associated with poor graft survival and could be considered for selected patients with primary pancreatic allograft failure."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Jacquemont L, Yap M, Tilly G, Guerif P, Giral M, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Degauque N.
"Inclusion of CD8 monitoring improves the prognostic capacities of the kidney transplant failure score."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Broudeur L, Karam G, Rigaud J, Glemain P, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Hand-Assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, an out-dated technique? Results of 270 cases."
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Broudeur L, Karam G, Rigaud J, Glemain P, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Néphrectomies donneur vivant par laparoscopie "Hand Assisted" une technique "Has Been" ? Résultats d'une série de 270 Cas"
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Batard T, Karam G, Paret F, Dantal J , Brule N, Videcoq M, Branchereau J.
"Kidney transplants from donors after cardio-circulatory death (DCD) type III Maastricht, preliminary results of a monocentric series of 29 patients."
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Batard T, Karam G, Rigaud J, Nedelec M, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Branchereau J.
"Transplantations rénales à partir de donneurs décédés après arrêt cardiaque type Maastricht 3, résultats préliminaires d’une série monocentrique de 29 patients."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Paret F, Karam G, Batard T, Rigaud J, Guillot-Gueguen C, Cantarovich D, Branchereau J.
"Is pancreas retransplantation a good option for unstable diabetes treatment?"
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Rigaud J, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Karam G, Branchereau J.
"Seconde transplantation pancréatique : résultats de ce défit technique et immunologique sur une série de 38 patients"
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Marchal S, Kalfa N, Iborra F, Badet L, Broudeur L, Branchereau J, Karam G, Thuret R.
"Résultats à long terme de la transplantation rénale dans les uropathies malformatives du bas appareil : étude multicentrique"
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Nedelec M, Glemain P, Chowaniec Y, Gueudry P, Robine E, Madec FX, Lefevre M, Rigaud J, Karam G, Branchereau J.
"Transplantation rénale sur prothèse vasculaire : Etude rétrospective multicentrique de 34 cas avec le concours du CTAFU"
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Le Bot S, Delbos F, Garandeau C, Malard Castagnet S, Hourmant M, Cesbron A.
"Protocole de désensibilisation non active chez les patients hyperimmunisés en attente de transplantation rénale"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Chapal M, Giral M, Foucher Y, Attard S.
"Antithymocyte globulin induction prescription heterogeneity. Results of an observational study on the French DIVAT kidney transplant network."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Dion A, Legendre C, Morelon E, Kamar N, Garrigue V, Ladriere M, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Clinical utility of surveillance kidney transplant biopsies at one year post-transplantation: a long-term survival comparison among renal transplant recipients."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Deltombe C, Florence F, Anglicheau D, Morelon E, Trébern-Launay K, Le Borgne F, Rimbert M, Guérif P, Malard-Castagnet S, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Non-validation of pre-transplant sensitization against angiotensin II type1 receptor as risk factor of graft and patients outcomes in kidney transplantation"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Cantarovich D, Guillen-Gueguin C, Le Borgne F, Branchereau J, Dantal J, Giral M, Blancho G, Garandeau C, Meurette A, Hourmant M, Karam G.
"Pancreas transplantation results are not more progressing and require significant innovations."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Giral M, Renaudin K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Morelon E, Fanny Buron F, Naesens M, Luning R, Huneau A, Paul C, Brouard S, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"The One year Renal Biopsy Index (1-RBI): a clinical marker to screen patients for one year surveillance biopsy indication after the transplantation"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Le Thuaut A, Dantal J, Devys A, Castagnet S,Danger R, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Magali Giral.
"Inflammation in scarring on 1 year surveillance biopsies does not change the 5 year prognostic of kidney transplantation"
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Gillaizeau F, Le Borgne F, Rousseau C, Leyrat C, Giral M, Chapal M, Barbin L, Laplaud D, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"Régression logistique multivariée traditionnelle contre scores de propension : une étude pour mettre fin aux idées préconçues."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Fournier MC, Blanche P, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Construction d'un score pronostique dynamique et évaluation de ses performances : application en transplantation rénale."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Le Borgne F, Combescure C, Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Chapal M, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"Courbes ROC standardisées dépendantes du temps pour évaluer les capacités pronostiques inhérentes à un marqueur en tenant compte des facteurs de confusion."
Annual meeting of the UK Causal Inference Meeting (London, UK) Gillaizeau F, Le Borgne F, Rousseau C, Leyrat C, Giral M, Chapal M, Barbin L, Laplaud D, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"The traditional multivariable logistic regression compared to propensity score: a study to put an end to preconceived ideas."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Birmingham, UK) Fournier MC, Dantan E, Blanche P.
"R2-type curve to evaluate dynamic predictions."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics_Student day (Birmingham, UK) Fournier MC.
"The use of joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data : an application on kidney transplantation."
Workshop on Flexible Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data with Applications in Biostatistics (Coventry, UK) Blanche P, Fournier MC, Dantan E.
"Dynamic predictions from joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data: a note on R²-type curves."
GDR Statistique & Santé (Paris, France) Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"A joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data to better assess the specific role of donor and recipient factors on kidney transplantation outcomes."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Lorent M, Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Utilisation d'un modèle de survie relative pour comparer le risque de décès des patients transplantés rénaux par rapport à des patients restés en dialyse après inscription sur liste d'attente de transplantation."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Etude des déterminants de santé associés à l’évolution de la créatininémie et / ou du risque d’échec de greffe chez des patients transplantés rénaux : une approche par modélisation conjointe."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Gillaizeau F, Senage T, Le Tourneau T, Roussel J, Foucher Y.
"La détérioration de bioprothèse valvulaire : un problème majeur de santé publique largement sous-estimé par la non prise en compte de la censure par intervalle et l’évolution multi-états de la maladie."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Dantan E, Foucher Y, Giral M, Tessier P.
"Quel seuil de discrimination pour un test pronostique à des fins de médecine stratifiée ? Une approche pratique d’une théorie de la décision basée sur les QALYs."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Bayat-Makoei S, Briançon S, Kessler M.
"Risques compétitifs de décès et de transplantation pour les patients en insuffisance rénale terminale inscrits sur liste d’attente : un modèle de mélange ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour l’allocation des greffons."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Fournier MC, Dantan E, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"A joint survival longitudinal approach to better assess the etiological role of risk factors of kidney transplant graft failure."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Lorent M, Trébern-Launay K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Morelon E, Buron F, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival model to compare the risk of mortality in kidney transplanted patients versus patients awaiting transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Dantan E, Renaudin K, Brouard S, Huneau A, Paul C, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Giral M.
"A clinical signature surrogate of histological lesions to avoid unnecessary one year surveillance biopsy after renal transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Querard AH, Foucher Y, Combescure C, Dantan E, Larmet D, Lorent M, Pouteau LM, Giral M, Gillaizeau F.
"Comparison of survival outcomes between Expanded and Standard Criteria Donor kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Querard AH, Gillaizeau F, Couvrat-Desvergne G, Dantal J, Daguin P, Le Floch S, Castagnet S, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Anticalcineurin or mTOR inhibitor withdrawal for medical decision-making does not threaten kidney transplantation graft outcome."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Vienna, Austria) Le Borgne F, Foucher Y.
"Adjusted survival curves by using inverse probability of treatment weighting: the comparison of three adapted log-rank tests."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Vienna, Austria) Gillaizeau F, Dantan E, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Additive relative survival multistate semi-Markov model."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Le Borgne F, Foucher Y.
"Tests du Log-rank ajusté : étude de simulations."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Fournier MC, Gillaizeau F, Le Fur A, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Construction et estimation des capacités d’un score pronostique : intérêts de la pénalisation de LASSO et de l’estimateur bootstrap 0.632+ appliqués aux courbes ROC dépendantes du temps."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Dantan E, Combescure C, Lorent M, Ashton-Chess J, Daguin P, Classe JM, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"An original approach to evaluate the prognostic marker capacity using published survival curves."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y.
"Deux stratégies alternatives pour comparer l’effet des facteurs de risque entre 2 groupes: Illustration par l’analyse des premières et des secondes transplantations rénales."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Gillaizeau F, Dantan E, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Marrakech, Morocco) Le Fur A, Fournier MC, Masson D, Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Dantal J.
"Vitamin D as novel risk factor of NODAT."
American Transplant Congress (San Francisco, USA) Dantal J, Le Fur A, Fournier MC, Masson D, Gillaizeau F, Giral M.
"Vitamin D deficiency is a new independent risk factor of NODAT for kidney transplant recipients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Gillaizeau F, Foucher Y, Dragun D, Soulillou J, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen J, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Dantan E, Giral M.
"A multistate model to investigate the relationship between pre-graft level of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) antibodies and kidney transplant recipients outcome."
Supplément spécial American Journal of Transplantation 2013;13 Suppl 5:29-206
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Lorent M, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Net time-dependent ROC curves: a new method for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict mortality related to end-stage renal disease in kidney transplant recipients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Dantal J, Giral M.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the risk factors associated with time to graft failure tbetween a first and second renal transplant."
Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (London, UK) Dantan E, Lorent M, Foucher Y.
"Confusing correlation and prediction : a simple approach to evaluate marker accuracy for predicting time-to-event."
Journées 2012 de la Société Française de Biométrie (Paris, France) Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Dantan E, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A Semi-Markov model with Generalized Weibull distribution for multistate data in kidney transplant recipients."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Giral M.
"Profil clinique et évolution défavorable des patients greffés rénaux présentant des lésions de Fibrose Interstitielle et Atrophie Tubulaire Inflammatoire (FIAT-i) isolées sur les biopsies systématiques à 1 an."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Acamer S, Gambier N, Frimat L.
"Transplantation rénale et obésité : Doit-on modifier le mode de prescription des anticalcineurines?"
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Eschwege P, Cayzergues L, Hubert J, Frimat L.
"Obésité et complications chirurgicales en transplantation rénale."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Thibaut F, Frimat L, Hubert J, Eschwege P, Cayzergues L, Kessler M.
"Transplantation rénale chez les patients avec un retard mental."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, M. Giral M.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the risk factors associated with time to graft failure between a first and second renal transplant."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Gillaizeau F, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen JP, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Un modèle multi-états pour étudier la relation entre le niveau pré-greffe du récepteur de l’Angiotensine II de type 1 (AT1R) et l’évolution des transplantés rénaux."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Lorent M, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Courbes ROC nettes dépendantes du temps : une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de la capacité d’un marqueur à prédire la mortalité liée à l’insuffisance rénale terminale chez des patients transplantés rénaux."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Lorent M, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Net time-dependent ROC curves: a solution for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict disease-related mortality."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the effect of factors associated with the time to graft failure between first and second renal transplant."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Foucher Y, Danger R.
"Time dependent ROC curves for the estimation of true prognostic capacity of microarray data."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, UK) Giral M, Akl A, Rousseau Vanessa, Launay K, Daguin P, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Pasturel M, Daures JP, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival modelisation on both European (DIVAT) and American (UNOS) data banks allows to appraise the mortality specifically linked to the kidney transplantation status."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, UK) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Foucher Y, Castagnie S, Brouard S, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Clinical profiles associated with histological lesions on one year kidney transplant systematic biopsies and correlations on graft outcome."
The British Transplant Society (Glasgow, Scotland) Dantan E, Combescure C, Ashton-Chess J, Lorent M, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"How to evaluate the prognostic capacity of surrogate markers? A methodological review in transplantation literature."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Akl A, Giral M, Rousseau V, Kessler M, Ladriere M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Daures JP, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival model to assess the specific mortality related to renal transplantation."
Transpl. Int. Vol: 24 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 204. Sep 2011.
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Magali Giral et al.
"Maintenance immunosuppression and long-term results of renal transplantation: THE DIVAT DATABASE"
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Kamar N, Rostaing L, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Morelon E, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Poor outcome of second kidney transplantation: a delayed event."
Transpl. Int. Vol: 24 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 62-63. Sep 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Launay K, Karam G, Hodemon-Corne B.
"Corticosteroid Avoidance or Withdrawal: Which Immunosuppression Is Better after Renal Transplantation?"
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Mai HL, Giral M, Launay K, Foucher Y, Garrigue V, Legendre C, Kamar N, Kessler M, Morelon E, Hourmant M, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Kidney after Nonrenal Organ Transplantation-Analysis of a 15-Year Multicenter Cohort."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 148-148. Apr 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Danger R, Lavault A, Giral M, Van Huyen JPD, Foucher Y, Pallier A, Degauque N, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"miR-142-5p Over-Expression in Blood and Kidney Graft from Patients Exhibiting Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 380-380. Apr 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Brouard S, Pallier A, Renaudin K, Devys A, Cesbron A, Guillot-Gueguen C, Foucher Y, Subra JF, Villemain F, Legendre C, Thervet E, Bemelman FJ, Le Roux S, Roussey G, Orlando G, Gamier A, Jambon H, De Saeazan H, Le Monies Braun L, Noel C, Pillebout E, Moal MC, Cantarell C, Hoitsma A, Ranbant M, Testa A, Danger R, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Natural History of Clinical Operational Tolerance after Kidney Transplantation."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 76-76. Apr 2011.
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Montpellier, France) Foucher Y, Rigouin P, Akl A, Launay K, Landais P, Duny Y, Daures JP, Giral M
"The modeling of the evolution of kidney transplant recipients: Applications to the DIVAT cohort."
American Transplant Congress (San Diego, USA) M. Giral et al.
"Pre-transplantation immunisation against Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor (AT1R-antibody) is an independent risk factor of acute rejection."
European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference (Florence, Italy) Devys A, Lino M, Foucher Y, Mc Ilroy A, Soulillou JP, Cesbron A, Blancho G.
"Would preformed HLA antibodies detected by single antigen assay predict acute humoral rejection or needlessly contraindicate transplantation?"
Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (New York, USA) Roussey G, Foucher Y, Guest G, Ranchin B, Maisin A, Novo R, Andre J, Cloarec S, Guyot C.
"Influence of Corticosteroid in Renal Transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, USA) Giral M, Foucher Y, Labrune Y, Karam G, Kessler M, de Ligny BH, Buchler M, Bayle F, Meyer C, Daguin P, Soulillou JP
"Kidney and recipient weight incompatibility: a cause of early proteinuria and reduced long-term graft survival."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Prague, Czech Republic) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"Time-dependent ROC analysis for a three-class prognostic."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Giral M, Foucher Y, Daurès JP, Soulillou JP.
"New tool to analyse confounding factors in kidney graft outcome: A DIVAT data base study."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Ashton-Chess J, Dugast E, Colvin RB, Giral M, Foucher Y, Moreau A, Renaudin K, Braud C, Devys A, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Regulatory, Effector, and Cytotoxic T Cell Profiles in Long-Term Kidney Transplant Patients."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Asthon-chess J, Jovanovic V, Foucher Y, Dugast E, Giral M, Renaudin K, Heslan M, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"The immunoproteasome subunit beta 10 as a novel peripheral blood and intragraft biomarker of chronic antibody mediated allograft rejection in clinical transplantation."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Copenhague, Denmark) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"An adaptation of time-dependent ROC curves to construct a prognosis test based on the repetition of a surrogate marker: Application on the kidney graft failure and the creatinine clearance."
European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (Montpellier, France) Allain-Launay E, Roussey-Kesler G, Guest G, Ranchin B, Maisin A, Andre J, Cloarec S, Foucher Y, Guyot C.
"Pediatric renal transplantation: report from a French pediatric database."
American Transplant Congress (San Francisco, USA) Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP, Giral M.
"Longitudinal analysis of kidney transplant recipients with multi-state model."
Congrès de la Société Française de Statistiques (Angers, France) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"Modèle semi-Markovien avec double censure par intervalle et test d’adéquation."
American Society of Transplantation Giral M et al.
"Impact of brain death resuscitation on delayed graft function: Result of a monocentric analysis."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Genève, Suisse) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"A semi-Markov model for interval-censored data and multiple events: Application to the evolution of kidney transplant recipients."
International Biometric Conference (Montréal, Canada) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"A semi-Markov Model with Interval Censoring and Non-Proportional Hazards."
The Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Harzallah K, Frimat L, Giral M, Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Induction Therapy Is Not Associated with Increasing Risk of Cancer After Renal Transplantation."
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Boston, USA) Harzallah K, Frimat L, Kessler M, Giral M, Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Solid and skin tumors after kidney transplantation : which risk factors?"
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Genève, Suisse) Rousseau V, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP
"A multiplicative relative survival model with frailty - Application to kidney transplant recipients."
Congrès de la Société Française de Statistiques (Pau, France) Foucher Y, Giral M, Dellamonica P, Daurès JP.
"Analyse des données de survie par un modèle de fragilité paramétrique."
American Transplant Congress (Washington, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"The use of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin: its potential to allow safe steroid withdrawal after renal transplantation."
Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (Lisbonne, Portugal) Giral M, Nguyen JM, Daguin P, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Josien R, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Mycophenolate mofetil does not modify the incidence of CMV disease following kidney transplantation but prevents CMV induced chronic graft dysfunction."
International Congress of the Transplantation Society (Rome, Italy) Giral M, Daguin P, Cantarovich D, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Josien R, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Mycophenolate Mofetil prevents CMV induced chronic graft injury."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Duration of delayed graft function predicts long term graft survival. Need for dialysis is not an optimal criterium."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Hourmant M, Coupel S, Giral M, Bignon JD, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Pre and post-grafting immunological and clinical factors influencing the survival of a second kidney transplant. An one center study."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Karam G, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal D, Blancho G, Lenormand L, Soulillou JP.
"ATG induction versus no ATG induction immunosuppression in simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation: results of a single center randomized trial."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Immediate graft function is strong pronostic factor of long term graft survival rate."
Congrès Ouest-Transplant (Poitiers, France) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Les paramètres influençant le démarrage retardé des greffons rénaux : Conséquences sur la survie à long terme de la greffe."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Karam G, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Soulillou JP.
"Does an acute kidney rejection episode adversely affect kidney graft survival following simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplantation?"
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Le Sant JN, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Renal transplantation from cadaver donors over 60 years old."
International Congress of Nephrology (Madrid, Spain) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Dantal J, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Ancelet D, Bignon JD, Soulillou JP.
"Analysis of 648 first cadaveric kidney allografts from a single center with stereotyped sequential therapy."
Congress of the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association (Athènes, Greece) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Are Elderly recipients of kidney transplants less likely to reject ?"
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Kyoto, Japan) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Dantal J, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Ancelet D, Bignon JD, Soulillou JP.
"Analysis of 648 first cadaveric kidney allografts from one center in CSA ERA: which parameters predict graft function at one year?"
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Kyoto, Japan) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Josien R, Karam G, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Soulillou JP.
"Incidence and impact of acute rejection episodes on short- and long-term graft survival in recipients of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation."
Spanish Transplant Society (Seville, Spain) Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Predictive parameters of first cadaveric kidney graft function in an homogeneons, one-center, population of recipients."
Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology (Lyon, France) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Le Sant JN, Daguin P, Soulillou JP.
"Results of kidney transplantation using high risk donors."
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Tours, France) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Soulillou JP.
"Analyse d'une série de 648 premières greffes de rein de cadavre réalisées au C.H.U. de Nantes entre 1985 et 1992."
Congress European Society for Organ Transplantation (Rodos, Greece) Cantarovich D, Karam G, Paineau J, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Giral M, Soulillou JP.
"Five years experience with segmental duct-occluded pancreatic grafts."