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Doctorat MD
Han-Yee-Yu J. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
" "
Doctorat MD
Imbert A. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Rapport bénéfice-risque de l'utilisation des inhibiteurs de pompe à protons dans la prise en charge des patients transplantés rénaux : étude rétrospective au C.H.U. de Nantes de 2000 à 2020"
Doctorat MD
Grenon E. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Syndrome cardio-rénal chez le patient transplanté rénal : épidémiologie, bilan cardiaque pré-greffe et évolution"
Doctorat MD
Beaudrey T. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Strasbourg)
"Causes de mortalité des transplantés rénaux : un changement de paradigme?"
Doctorat MD
Petit C. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Le devenir des patients transplantés rénaux avec un antécédent de cancer solide en pré-greffe"
Doctorat PhD
Ba R. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé (Nantes))
"Intégration de données génétiques à grande échelle pour l'amélioration de la prise en charge du transplanté rénal"
Doctorat MD
Laboux T. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Lille)
"Impact des anticorps anti-HLA-C et anti-HLA-DP préformés dirigés contre le donneur en transplantation rénale"
Doctorat MD
Broudeur L. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Donneur vivant : impact de la néphrectomie droite chez le donneur et le receveur"
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Colas L. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé (Rennes))
"Impact du microbiote et de la réponse inflammatoire de type 2 (lgE et éosinophiles) en contexte allo-immun : l'exemple de la transplantation rénale"
Doctorat MD
Leman C. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Épidémiologie et prise en charge de la virémie à BK virus chez le greffé rénal et réno-pancréatique : évaluation monocentrique de la survie du greffon rénal"
Doctorat MD
Graveleau A. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Identification de facteurs de risque d'échec des troisièmes transplantations rénales"
Doctorat MD
Gaisne R. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Est-il possible de prédire le moment optimal d'inscription en préemptif d'un patient sur la liste d'attente pour une première transplantation rénale ?"
Doctorat PhD - Bioinformatique
Geffard E. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé (Rennes)
"Développement d'outils de médecine de précision pour accompagner la prise de décision médicale en transplantation"
Doctorat MD
Ouahmi H. (UFR de Médecine, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
"Pronostic des transplantations rénales chez les patients porteurs de prothèse valvulaire cardiaque"
Doctorat MD
Frey S. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Effets de la parathyroïdectomie et du cinacalcet sur la fonction du transplant dans l'hyperparathyroïdie tertiaire chez le patient transplanté rénal"
Doctorat MD
Letellier T. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Association entre l'utilisation d'hydrochlorothiazide et le risque de cancer cutané non-mélanome dans une population de patients transplantés rénaux"
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Doan-Ngoc TM. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé (Nantes-Angers))
"Caractérisation des fonctions immunologiques et migratoires des lymphocytes T CD8 TEMRA en transplantation rénale"
Doctorat MD
Masset C. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Pancreas Allograft Failure Score (PAFS) : un score pour prédire l’échec précoce de greffe pancréatique"
Doctorat MD
Dujardin A. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Transplantation rénale chez le sujet de plus de 75 ans, dans six centres français : aspects épidémiologiques, devenir à court et moyen terme"
Doctorat MD
Brial C. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Montpellier)
"Conversion du tacrolimus au bélatacept en transplantation rénale : évolution du profil métabolique et tensionnel"
Doctorat MD
Ducoux G. (UFR de Médecine, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
"Caractéristiques cliniques et évolution des patients atteints de néphropathie lupique traités par transplantation rénale : résultats de l'étude observationnelle multicentrique OKTALE"
Doctorat MD
Hutin M. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Montpellier)
"Incidence et morbi mortalité des tumeurs urothéliales après transplantation rénale"
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Jacquemont L. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé, Rennes, en partenariat avec Université Bretagne Loire (COMUE))
"Lymphocytes T CD8+ mémoires et devenir du greffon en transplantation"
Doctorat MD
Ollivier M. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Marqueurs métaboliques prédictifs de l'échec de la transplantation pancréatique après un an : étude chez 354 patients transplantés au CHU de Nantes entre 2000 et 2015"
Doctorat MD
Le Bot S. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Corrélation entre les phénotypes lymphocytaires sanguins périphériques et le diagnostic histologique de la biopsie de greffon chez le patient transplanté rénal"
Doctorat MD
Boulay H. (Faculté de Médecine de Rennes, Université de Bretagne Loire)
"L'absence de prophylaxie ne majore pas le risque de survenue d'une maladie à CMV chez les greffés rénaux à risque intermédiaire de réactivation du CMV : étude rétrospective multicentrique de 400 patients"
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Jouand N. (Faculté de Médecine de Rennes, Université de Bretagne Loire)
"Etude de la réponse lymphocitaire T non conventionnelle restreinte par HLA-E lors de l'infection par le cytomégalovirus chez les patients transplantés rénaux"
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Durand M. (Faculté de Médecine de Rennes, Université de Bretagne Loire)
"Etude de la régulation lymphocytaire T dans deux modèles de transplantation rénale et pulmonaire"
Doctorat MD
Mazeaud C. (Faculté de médecine de Nancy, Université de Lorraine)
"Epidémiologie et surveillance du cancer sur rein natif chez les patients transplantés rénaux : Résultats de la cohorte DIVAT"
Doctorat PhD - Biostatistique
Fournier MC. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé Nantes-Angers)
"Pronostic dynamique de l'évolution de l'état de santé de patients atteints d'une maladie chronique"
Doctorat PhD - Biostatistique
Le Borgne F. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé Nantes-Angers)
"Conception d’un outil simple d'utilisation pour réaliser des analyses statistiques ajustées valorisant les données de cohortes observationnelles de pathologies chroniques : application à la cohorte DIVAT."
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Chenouard A. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé Nantes-Angers)
"Analyse des lymphocytes T folliculaires helper chez les patients tolérant leur greffon rénal."
Doctorat MD
Ville S. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Étude de l'impact de la prophylaxie anti-virale sur l'incidence des lymphoproliférations EBV induites chez les greffes rénaux adultes séronégatifs."
Doctorat MD
Nédélec M. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Transplantation rénale sur prothèse vasculaire : étude rétrospective multicentrique de 34 cas."
Doctorat MD
Marchal S. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Montpellier)
"Transplantation rénale dans les uropathies malformatives du bas appareil urinaire : aspects techniques et résultats : Etude rétrospective multicentrique."
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Yap M. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé Nantes-Angers)
"The characterization of CD8 T lymphocyte subset differentiation and their Immunometabolic programming in kidney transplantation."
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie
Chesneau M. (École doctorale Biologie-Santé Nantes-Angers)
"Analyse de la différenciation et de la régulation des lymphocytes B chez des patients tolérant un greffon rénal."
Doctorat MD
Deltombe C. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Étude de l'immunisation non HLA contre le récepteur de type 1 à l'angiotensine sur la survie des transplants rénaux."
Doctorat MD
Charpy V. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Facteurs associés aux bactériuries à entérobactéries productrices de bêta-lactamases à spectre étendu (EBLSE) : étude cas-témoins chez des patients greffés rénaux entre 2008 et 2012 au CHU de Nantes."
Master 2 - Santé publique
Modélisation en pharmacologie clinique et épidémiologie
Dion A. (UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Nantes)
"Étude de l'utilité d'une biopsie systématique à un an post-greffe sur la survie patient/greffon des patients transplantés rénaux."

Abstract : Routine biopsies realized for all transplanted at a given time, may be useful for fortuitously detect subclinical lesions and thus improve graft survival. However, the biopsy may cause complications and, for certain lesions, there is no consensual procedures to follow. The clinical utility of routine biopsy at one year post-transplant on the survival of the patient / graft is widely discussed. From the DIVAT cohort, we studied the transplant survival of patients with or without routine biopsy at one year post-transplant. The primary analysis compares biopsied patients of biopsieurs centers and patients of not biopsieurs centers, from 1182 patients (33% with a biopsy). In the secondary analysis, we are interested in the survival of patients biopsied and not biopsied of biopsieurs centers, from 817 patients (48% with a biopsy). In the primary analysis, we do not bring out of differences in survival between center groups (biopsieurs vs. no). In the secondary analysis, have a systematic biopsy at one year appears to protect patients from the risk of death. This difference in survival is certainly due to poorer health of not biopsied patients, explaining that they did not a biopsy and a higher risk of death.
Keywords : kidney transplantation, systematic biopsy at 1 year, survival analysis.
Encadrement: Etienne Dantan, Grégoire Crouvrat-Desvergnes

Doctorat PhD - Biostatistique Lorent M. (UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques Nantes)
"Pronostic de la mortalité des patients transplantés rénaux : application à la cohorte DIVAT."
Doctorat MD
Chapelet-Debout A. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Lésions d'inflammation de la microcirculation rénale isolées, sur une biopsie protocolaire à 1 an de la greffe et fonction rénale à moyen terme, des transplantés rénaux."
Master 2 - Santé publique Biostatistique Le Borgne F. (ISPED Bordeaux)
"Etude des facteurs de risque et prédiction du délai de reprise au démarrage des greffons."
Master 2 - Recherche de Santé Publique Biostatistique Blidi A. (UFR Mathématique Informatique Université Paris Descartes)
"Étude de l'association du temps d'ischémie froide et l'échec de greffe en transplantation rénale."
Licence 3 - Informatique et Mathématique Letétour C. (Université de Nantes)
"Contrôle de qualité automatisé de la cohorte DIVAT."
Master 2 - Ingénierie statistique et décisionnelle Labrune Y. (IUT/IUP Vannes)
"Influence du poids du greffon sur la survie des patients transplantés rénaux."
Doctorat PhD - Biostatistique Rousseau V. (IURC Montpellier)
"Modèles fragilisés de survie relative appliqués aux données censurées dans le cas de la transplantation rénale."
Doctorat MD
Canet E. (UFR de Médecine, Université de Nantes)
"Incidence et pronostic de l'infection à Mycobacterium tuberculosis dans une cohorte multicentrique de patients transplantés rénaux en France de 1986 à 2006."
Master 2 - Ingénierie statistique et décisionnelle Moyon T. (IUT/IUP Vannes)
"Modèles pour l'analyse de survie appliqués à la transplantation rénale et pancréatique."
Doctorat PhD - Biostatistique Foucher Y. (IURC Montpellier)
"Modèles semi-markoviens : application à l'analyse de l'évolution des pathologies chroniques."présentation orale
Doctorat PhD - Immunologie Giral M. (ITERT)
"Contribution à l'étude de la dysfonction chronique des greffons en allotransplantation rénale."
Master 2 - Ingénierie statistique et décisionnelle Boucherie C. (IUT/IUP Vannes)
"Epidémiologie de la cohorte DIVAT."
Doctorat MD - Néphrologie Lavaine F. (ITERT)
"Influence des modifications des doses du mycofenolate mofetyl lors de la première année de greffe rénale sur le devenir de la transplantation."
Doctorat MD Clément M. (Université de Nantes)
"Etude des facteurs de risques d’échec après transplantation pancréatique."
Doctorat MD - Anesthésie Bertola JP. (Réanimation médicale CHU Nantes)
"Facteurs de risque de reprise différés de la fonction rénale et de la survie du greffon après transplantation rénale. Rôle des facteurs liés à la réanimation du donneur d’organes."
Doctorat MD - Urologie Hétet JF (Urologie CHU Nantes)
"Sténoses urétérales en transplantation rénale."
Doctorat MD - Néphrologie Houzet A. (ITERT)
"Signification clinique de la présence d’anticorps anti HLA après transplantation rénale.
Master 2 - Ingénierie statistique et décisionnelle Carteron A. (IUT/IUP Vannes)
"Intégration d'un modèle de Cox dans une base de données axée sur la transplantation rénale".
Doctorat MD - Néphrologie Coupel S. (ITERT)
"Analyse des facteurs immunologiques et cliniques prédictifs de la survie d’une deuxième transplantation rénale. Etude unicentre.
Master 2 - Ingénierie statistique et décisionnelle Tenailleau G. (IUT/IUP Vannes)
"Création d'un outil statistique de gestion de base de données."
Doctorat MD - Néphrologie Lefrançois G. (ITERT)
"Infection par le virus de l’hépatite C chez l’insuffisant renal chronique : influence de la dialyse et de la transplantation."
Doctorat MD - Néphrologie Taddei C. (ITERT)
"Analyse monocentrique retrospective de 865 greffes de reins de cadavre."

Oral communications and posters

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American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Danger R, Chesneau M, Delbos F, Lebot S, Kerleau C, Chenouard A, Cesbron A, Giral M, Brouard S.
"Early CXCR5+PD1+ICOS+ circulating follicular T helpers are associated with de Novo donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies after renal transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Dujardin A, Lorent M, Kerleau C, Brouard S, Giral M.
"Post-transplant lymphopenia is associated with higher risk of graft failure, death and viral infections."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Masset C, Boucquemont J, Garrigue V, Ladrière M, Buron F, Cassuto E, Foucher Y, J. Dantal J.
"Induction therapy in elderly kidney transplant recipients with low immunological risk."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Cantarovich D, Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Branchereau J, Karam G.
"Fasting blood glucose: A simple and reliable marker to predict late pancreas graft failure."
112E CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS D'UROLOGIE (CFU) (Paris, France) Batard T, Karam G, Glemain P, Le Normand L, Perrouin-Verbe M, Nedellec M, Bouchot O, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Martin-Lefevre L, Dantal, Rigaud J, Branchereau J.
"Transplantations rénale à partir de DDACM3, presque aussi bien que le donneur vivant !."
112E CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS D'UROLOGIE (CFU) (Paris, France) Fosse A, G. Karam G, Branchereau J, Bruyere F.
"Faut-il utiliser les reins des donneurs cadavériques en état de mort encéphalique ayant une fonction rénale altérée ? Résultats à un an."
27th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS) (Madrid, Espagne) Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Karam G, Branchereau J, Péré M, Cantarovich D.
"One-Year Blood Glucose Level is the Best Metabolic Marker for the Prediction of Late Pancreas Graft Failure."
Congrès annuel de la Société Francophone du Diabète (Nantes, France) Ollivier M, Chaillous L, Cariou B, Péré M, Cantarovich D.
"Marqueurs métaboliques prédictifs d’une dysfonction tardive du greffon pancréatique : analyse rétrospective chez 354 patients transplantés entre 2000 et 2015."
77ème congrès de la Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne SNFMI (Lyon, France)
Abstract Link
Richard-Colmant G, Buron F, Thaunat O, Morelon E, Hot A.
"Lupus érythémateux disséminé et transplantation rénale : premiers résultats de l’étude Outcome of Kidney Transplantation And Lupus Erythematosus (OKTALE)."
Autumn School DHU2020 (Nantes, France) Fournier M.C, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Dynamic predictions of long-term kidney graft failure: an information tool promoting patient-centered care."
Journées du GDR "Statistiques et Santé" (Nantes, France) Fournier M.C, Le Borgne F, Loncle C, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Plug-Stat® : un nouveau logiciel statistique sur mesure pour mieux valoriser les données de cohortes. Exemple de l'étude de l'impact en vie réelle de l'utilisation des machines de perfusion en transplantation rénale."
7e rencontres R (Rennes, France) Fournier M.C, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Une application Shiny pour prédire dynamiquement la survie patient-greffon d'un patient transplanté rénal : vers une décision médicale plus partagée."
4e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Fournier M.C, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Valoriser ses données de cohorte avec Plug-Stat®: exemple de réalisation d'une étude sur les données de DIVAT."
3e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Boulay H, Oger E, Cantarovich D, Gatault P, Thierry A, Le Meur Y, Sayegh J, Vigneau C, Lorcy N.
"L’absence de prophylaxie anti-CMV n’est pas délétère chez les greffés rénaux immunisés contre le CMV recevant une induction non déplétante. Etude rétrospective multicentrique de 372 patients."
3e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation SFNDT (Lille, France) Lenain R, Foucher Y, Legendre C, Badet L , Girerd S, Garrigue V, Glotz D, Albano L, Giral M, Dantal J.
"Effet de la machine de perfusion sur la survie greffon-patient selon les caractéristiques du donneur en transplantation rénale."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Scemla A, Perrier MC, Lortholary O, Girerd S, Kerleau C, Garrigues V, Buron F, Kamar N, Legendre C, Bouatou Y, Lefaucheur C, Giral M, Loupy A.
"Natural history and determinants of infectious complications after kidney transplantation: A nationwide prospective population based cohort."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Karam G, Batard T, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Pancreas retransplantation: Outcomes of this technical and immunological challenge over 38 patients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Conrad A, Petruzzo P, Kanitakis J, Gazarian A, Badet L, Vanhems P, Thaunat O, Morelon E, Sicard A.
"Burden of infectious complications after upper extremity allotransplantation: A matched cohort study."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (Toulouse, France) Scemla A, Perrier MC, Kamar N, Garrigues V, Girerd S, Buron F, Manda V, Legendre C, Giral M, Loupy A.
"Histoire naturelle et déterminants des complications infectieuses après transplantation rénale dans la cohorte Divat."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Nice, France)
Abstract Link
Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Prédictions dynamiques du risque d’échec de greffe : un outil pour aider à l’information des patients transplantés rénaux et à une prise en charge centrée sur le patient et ses attentes."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Danger R, Chesneau M, Paul C, Guerif P, Durand M, ANewell K, Kanaparthi S, A Turka L, Soulillou JP, Houlgatte R, Giral M, Ramstein G, Brouard S.
"A composite score associated with spontaneous operational tolerance in kidney transplant recipients."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Querard AH, Leborgne F, Dion A, Giral M, Morelon E, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Kamar N, Loupy A, Legendre C, Rostaing L, Buron F, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"Propensity score-based comparison of the graft failure risk between kidney transplant recipients of standard and expanded criteria donor grafts: toward increasing the pool of marginal donors."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Guillot-Gueguen C, Batard T, Branchereau J.
"Pancreas retransplantation is not associated with poor graft survival and could be considered for selected patients with primary pancreatic allograft failure."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Barcelonne, Espagne) Jacquemont L, Yap M, Tilly G, Guerif P, Giral M, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Degauque N.
"Inclusion of CD8 monitoring improves the prognostic capacities of the kidney transplant failure score."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Broudeur L, Karam G, Rigaud J, Glemain P, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Hand-Assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, an out-dated technique? Results of 270 cases."
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Broudeur L, Karam G, Rigaud J, Glemain P, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Branchereau J.
"Néphrectomies donneur vivant par laparoscopie "Hand Assisted" une technique "Has Been" ? Résultats d'une série de 270 Cas"
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Batard T, Karam G, Paret F, Dantal J , Brule N, Videcoq M, Branchereau J.
"Kidney transplants from donors after cardio-circulatory death (DCD) type III Maastricht, preliminary results of a monocentric series of 29 patients."
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Batard T, Karam G, Rigaud J, Nedelec M, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Branchereau J.
"Transplantations rénales à partir de donneurs décédés après arrêt cardiaque type Maastricht 3, résultats préliminaires d’une série monocentrique de 29 patients."
Congrès annuel de la société française de transplantation (La Rochelle, France) Paret F, Karam G, Batard T, Rigaud J, Guillot-Gueguen C, Cantarovich D, Branchereau J.
"Is pancreas retransplantation a good option for unstable diabetes treatment?"
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Paret F, Cantarovich D, Rigaud J, Lefevre M, De Vergie S, Nedelec M, Karam G, Branchereau J.
"Seconde transplantation pancréatique : résultats de ce défit technique et immunologique sur une série de 38 patients"
Congrès français d'urologie (Paris, France) Marchal S, Kalfa N, Iborra F, Badet L, Broudeur L, Branchereau J, Karam G, Thuret R.
"Résultats à long terme de la transplantation rénale dans les uropathies malformatives du bas appareil : étude multicentrique"
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Nedelec M, Glemain P, Chowaniec Y, Gueudry P, Robine E, Madec FX, Lefevre M, Rigaud J, Karam G, Branchereau J.
"Transplantation rénale sur prothèse vasculaire : Etude rétrospective multicentrique de 34 cas avec le concours du CTAFU"
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Nantes, France) Le Bot S, Delbos F, Garandeau C, Malard Castagnet S, Hourmant M, Cesbron A.
"Protocole de désensibilisation non active chez les patients hyperimmunisés en attente de transplantation rénale"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Chapal M, Giral M, Foucher Y, Attard S.
"Antithymocyte globulin induction prescription heterogeneity. Results of an observational study on the French DIVAT kidney transplant network."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Dion A, Legendre C, Morelon E, Kamar N, Garrigue V, Ladriere M, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Clinical utility of surveillance kidney transplant biopsies at one year post-transplantation: a long-term survival comparison among renal transplant recipients."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Deltombe C, Florence F, Anglicheau D, Morelon E, Trébern-Launay K, Le Borgne F, Rimbert M, Guérif P, Malard-Castagnet S, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Non-validation of pre-transplant sensitization against angiotensin II type1 receptor as risk factor of graft and patients outcomes in kidney transplantation"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Cantarovich D, Guillen-Gueguin C, Le Borgne F, Branchereau J, Dantal J, Giral M, Blancho G, Garandeau C, Meurette A, Hourmant M, Karam G.
"Pancreas transplantation results are not more progressing and require significant innovations."
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Giral M, Renaudin K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Morelon E, Fanny Buron F, Naesens M, Luning R, Huneau A, Paul C, Brouard S, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"The One year Renal Biopsy Index (1-RBI): a clinical marker to screen patients for one year surveillance biopsy indication after the transplantation"
International congress of The Transplant Society (Hong Kong, Chine) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Le Thuaut A, Dantal J, Devys A, Castagnet S,Danger R, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Magali Giral.
"Inflammation in scarring on 1 year surveillance biopsies does not change the 5 year prognostic of kidney transplantation"
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Gillaizeau F, Le Borgne F, Rousseau C, Leyrat C, Giral M, Chapal M, Barbin L, Laplaud D, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"Régression logistique multivariée traditionnelle contre scores de propension : une étude pour mettre fin aux idées préconçues."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Fournier MC, Blanche P, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Construction d'un score pronostique dynamique et évaluation de ses performances : application en transplantation rénale."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN et Journées des statisticiens des CLCC (Strasbourg, France) Le Borgne F, Combescure C, Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Chapal M, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"Courbes ROC standardisées dépendantes du temps pour évaluer les capacités pronostiques inhérentes à un marqueur en tenant compte des facteurs de confusion."
Annual meeting of the UK Causal Inference Meeting (London, UK) Gillaizeau F, Le Borgne F, Rousseau C, Leyrat C, Giral M, Chapal M, Barbin L, Laplaud D, Giraudeau B, Foucher Y.
"The traditional multivariable logistic regression compared to propensity score: a study to put an end to preconceived ideas."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Birmingham, UK) Fournier MC, Dantan E, Blanche P.
"R2-type curve to evaluate dynamic predictions."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics_Student day (Birmingham, UK) Fournier MC.
"The use of joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data : an application on kidney transplantation."
Workshop on Flexible Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data with Applications in Biostatistics (Coventry, UK) Blanche P, Fournier MC, Dantan E.
"Dynamic predictions from joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data: a note on R²-type curves."
GDR Statistique & Santé (Paris, France) Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"A joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data to better assess the specific role of donor and recipient factors on kidney transplantation outcomes."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Lorent M, Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Utilisation d'un modèle de survie relative pour comparer le risque de décès des patients transplantés rénaux par rapport à des patients restés en dialyse après inscription sur liste d'attente de transplantation."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Etude des déterminants de santé associés à l’évolution de la créatininémie et / ou du risque d’échec de greffe chez des patients transplantés rénaux : une approche par modélisation conjointe."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Gillaizeau F, Senage T, Le Tourneau T, Roussel J, Foucher Y.
"La détérioration de bioprothèse valvulaire : un problème majeur de santé publique largement sous-estimé par la non prise en compte de la censure par intervalle et l’évolution multi-états de la maladie."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Dantan E, Foucher Y, Giral M, Tessier P.
"Quel seuil de discrimination pour un test pronostique à des fins de médecine stratifiée ? Une approche pratique d’une théorie de la décision basée sur les QALYs."
Conférence Francophone d'Epidémiologie Clinique EPICLIN (Montpellier, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Bayat-Makoei S, Briançon S, Kessler M.
"Risques compétitifs de décès et de transplantation pour les patients en insuffisance rénale terminale inscrits sur liste d’attente : un modèle de mélange ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour l’allocation des greffons."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Fournier MC, Dantan E, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"A joint survival longitudinal approach to better assess the etiological role of risk factors of kidney transplant graft failure."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Lorent M, Trébern-Launay K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Morelon E, Buron F, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival model to compare the risk of mortality in kidney transplanted patients versus patients awaiting transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Dantan E, Renaudin K, Brouard S, Huneau A, Paul C, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Giral M.
"A clinical signature surrogate of histological lesions to avoid unnecessary one year surveillance biopsy after renal transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Querard AH, Foucher Y, Combescure C, Dantan E, Larmet D, Lorent M, Pouteau LM, Giral M, Gillaizeau F.
"Comparison of survival outcomes between Expanded and Standard Criteria Donor kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis."
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Querard AH, Gillaizeau F, Couvrat-Desvergne G, Dantal J, Daguin P, Le Floch S, Castagnet S, Brouard S, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Anticalcineurin or mTOR inhibitor withdrawal for medical decision-making does not threaten kidney transplantation graft outcome."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Vienna, Austria) Le Borgne F, Foucher Y.
"Adjusted survival curves by using inverse probability of treatment weighting: the comparison of three adapted log-rank tests."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Vienna, Austria) Gillaizeau F, Dantan E, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Additive relative survival multistate semi-Markov model."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Le Borgne F, Foucher Y.
"Tests du Log-rank ajusté : étude de simulations."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Fournier MC, Gillaizeau F, Le Fur A, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Construction et estimation des capacités d’un score pronostique : intérêts de la pénalisation de LASSO et de l’estimateur bootstrap 0.632+ appliqués aux courbes ROC dépendantes du temps."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Dantan E, Combescure C, Lorent M, Ashton-Chess J, Daguin P, Classe JM, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"An original approach to evaluate the prognostic marker capacity using published survival curves."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y.
"Deux stratégies alternatives pour comparer l’effet des facteurs de risque entre 2 groupes: Illustration par l’analyse des premières et des secondes transplantations rénales."
Journées de la Société Française de Statistique (Rennes, France) Gillaizeau F, Dantan E, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Marrakech, Morocco) Le Fur A, Fournier MC, Masson D, Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Dantal J.
"Vitamin D as novel risk factor of NODAT."
American Transplant Congress (San Francisco, USA) Dantal J, Le Fur A, Fournier MC, Masson D, Gillaizeau F, Giral M.
"Vitamin D deficiency is a new independent risk factor of NODAT for kidney transplant recipients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Gillaizeau F, Foucher Y, Dragun D, Soulillou J, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen J, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Dantan E, Giral M.
"A multistate model to investigate the relationship between pre-graft level of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) antibodies and kidney transplant recipients outcome."
Supplément spécial American Journal of Transplantation 2013;13 Suppl 5:29-206
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Lorent M, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Net time-dependent ROC curves: a new method for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict mortality related to end-stage renal disease in kidney transplant recipients."
American Transplant Congress (Seattle, USA) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Dantal J, Giral M.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the risk factors associated with time to graft failure tbetween a first and second renal transplant."
Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (London, UK) Dantan E, Lorent M, Foucher Y.
"Confusing correlation and prediction : a simple approach to evaluate marker accuracy for predicting time-to-event."
Journées 2012 de la Société Française de Biométrie (Paris, France) Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Dantan E, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A Semi-Markov model with Generalized Weibull distribution for multistate data in kidney transplant recipients."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Giral M.
"Profil clinique et évolution défavorable des patients greffés rénaux présentant des lésions de Fibrose Interstitielle et Atrophie Tubulaire Inflammatoire (FIAT-i) isolées sur les biopsies systématiques à 1 an."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Acamer S, Gambier N, Frimat L.
"Transplantation rénale et obésité : Doit-on modifier le mode de prescription des anticalcineurines?"
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Eschwege P, Cayzergues L, Hubert J, Frimat L.
"Obésité et complications chirurgicales en transplantation rénale."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Ladrière M, Thibaut F, Frimat L, Hubert J, Eschwege P, Cayzergues L, Kessler M.
"Transplantation rénale chez les patients avec un retard mental."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, M. Giral M.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the risk factors associated with time to graft failure between a first and second renal transplant."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Gillaizeau F, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen JP, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Un modèle multi-états pour étudier la relation entre le niveau pré-greffe du récepteur de l’Angiotensine II de type 1 (AT1R) et l’évolution des transplantés rénaux."
Société Francophone de Transplantation (Nantes, France) Lorent M, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Courbes ROC nettes dépendantes du temps : une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation de la capacité d’un marqueur à prédire la mortalité liée à l’insuffisance rénale terminale chez des patients transplantés rénaux."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Lorent M, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Net time-dependent ROC curves: a solution for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict disease-related mortality."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multiplicative-regression model to compare the effect of factors associated with the time to graft failure between first and second renal transplant."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Bergen, Norway) Foucher Y, Danger R.
"Time dependent ROC curves for the estimation of true prognostic capacity of microarray data."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, UK) Giral M, Akl A, Rousseau Vanessa, Launay K, Daguin P, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Pasturel M, Daures JP, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival modelisation on both European (DIVAT) and American (UNOS) data banks allows to appraise the mortality specifically linked to the kidney transplantation status."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, UK) Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Renaudin K, Foucher Y, Castagnie S, Brouard S, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Clinical profiles associated with histological lesions on one year kidney transplant systematic biopsies and correlations on graft outcome."
The British Transplant Society (Glasgow, Scotland) Dantan E, Combescure C, Ashton-Chess J, Lorent M, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"How to evaluate the prognostic capacity of surrogate markers? A methodological review in transplantation literature."
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Akl A, Giral M, Rousseau V, Kessler M, Ladriere M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Daures JP, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"A relative survival model to assess the specific mortality related to renal transplantation."
Transpl. Int. Vol: 24 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 204. Sep 2011.
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Magali Giral et al.
"Maintenance immunosuppression and long-term results of renal transplantation: THE DIVAT DATABASE"
European Society for Organ Transplantation (Glasgow, Scotland) Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Kamar N, Rostaing L, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Morelon E, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Poor outcome of second kidney transplantation: a delayed event."
Transpl. Int. Vol: 24 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 62-63. Sep 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Launay K, Karam G, Hodemon-Corne B.
"Corticosteroid Avoidance or Withdrawal: Which Immunosuppression Is Better after Renal Transplantation?"
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Mai HL, Giral M, Launay K, Foucher Y, Garrigue V, Legendre C, Kamar N, Kessler M, Morelon E, Hourmant M, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Kidney after Nonrenal Organ Transplantation-Analysis of a 15-Year Multicenter Cohort."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 148-148. Apr 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Danger R, Lavault A, Giral M, Van Huyen JPD, Foucher Y, Pallier A, Degauque N, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"miR-142-5p Over-Expression in Blood and Kidney Graft from Patients Exhibiting Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 380-380. Apr 2011.
American Transplant Congress (Philadelphia, USA) Brouard S, Pallier A, Renaudin K, Devys A, Cesbron A, Guillot-Gueguen C, Foucher Y, Subra JF, Villemain F, Legendre C, Thervet E, Bemelman FJ, Le Roux S, Roussey G, Orlando G, Gamier A, Jambon H, De Saeazan H, Le Monies Braun L, Noel C, Pillebout E, Moal MC, Cantarell C, Hoitsma A, Ranbant M, Testa A, Danger R, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Natural History of Clinical Operational Tolerance after Kidney Transplantation."
Am. J. Transplant. Vol: 11 Suppl.: 2 Pages: 76-76. Apr 2011.
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Montpellier, France) Foucher Y, Rigouin P, Akl A, Launay K, Landais P, Duny Y, Daures JP, Giral M
"The modeling of the evolution of kidney transplant recipients: Applications to the DIVAT cohort."
American Transplant Congress (San Diego, USA) M. Giral et al.
"Pre-transplantation immunisation against Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor (AT1R-antibody) is an independent risk factor of acute rejection."
European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference (Florence, Italy) Devys A, Lino M, Foucher Y, Mc Ilroy A, Soulillou JP, Cesbron A, Blancho G.
"Would preformed HLA antibodies detected by single antigen assay predict acute humoral rejection or needlessly contraindicate transplantation?"
Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (New York, USA) Roussey G, Foucher Y, Guest G, Ranchin B, Maisin A, Novo R, Andre J, Cloarec S, Guyot C.
"Influence of Corticosteroid in Renal Transplantation."
American Transplant Congress (Boston, USA) Giral M, Foucher Y, Labrune Y, Karam G, Kessler M, de Ligny BH, Buchler M, Bayle F, Meyer C, Daguin P, Soulillou JP
"Kidney and recipient weight incompatibility: a cause of early proteinuria and reduced long-term graft survival."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Prague, Czech Republic) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"Time-dependent ROC analysis for a three-class prognostic."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Giral M, Foucher Y, Daurès JP, Soulillou JP.
"New tool to analyse confounding factors in kidney graft outcome: A DIVAT data base study."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Ashton-Chess J, Dugast E, Colvin RB, Giral M, Foucher Y, Moreau A, Renaudin K, Braud C, Devys A, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Regulatory, Effector, and Cytotoxic T Cell Profiles in Long-Term Kidney Transplant Patients."
American Transplant Congress (Toronto, Canada) Asthon-chess J, Jovanovic V, Foucher Y, Dugast E, Giral M, Renaudin K, Heslan M, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"The immunoproteasome subunit beta 10 as a novel peripheral blood and intragraft biomarker of chronic antibody mediated allograft rejection in clinical transplantation."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Copenhague, Denmark) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"An adaptation of time-dependent ROC curves to construct a prognosis test based on the repetition of a surrogate marker: Application on the kidney graft failure and the creatinine clearance."
European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (Montpellier, France) Allain-Launay E, Roussey-Kesler G, Guest G, Ranchin B, Maisin A, Andre J, Cloarec S, Foucher Y, Guyot C.
"Pediatric renal transplantation: report from a French pediatric database."
American Transplant Congress (San Francisco, USA) Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP, Giral M.
"Longitudinal analysis of kidney transplant recipients with multi-state model."
Congrès de la Société Française de Statistiques (Angers, France) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"Modèle semi-Markovien avec double censure par intervalle et test d’adéquation."
American Society of Transplantation Giral M et al.
"Impact of brain death resuscitation on delayed graft function: Result of a monocentric analysis."
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Genève, Suisse) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"A semi-Markov model for interval-censored data and multiple events: Application to the evolution of kidney transplant recipients."
International Biometric Conference (Montréal, Canada) Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"A semi-Markov Model with Interval Censoring and Non-Proportional Hazards."
The Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Harzallah K, Frimat L, Giral M, Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Induction Therapy Is Not Associated with Increasing Risk of Cancer After Renal Transplantation."
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Boston, USA) Harzallah K, Frimat L, Kessler M, Giral M, Foucher Y, Soulillou JP, Dantal J.
"Solid and skin tumors after kidney transplantation : which risk factors?"
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Genève, Suisse) Rousseau V, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP
"A multiplicative relative survival model with frailty - Application to kidney transplant recipients."
Congrès de la Société Française de Statistiques (Pau, France) Foucher Y, Giral M, Dellamonica P, Daurès JP.
"Analyse des données de survie par un modèle de fragilité paramétrique."
American Transplant Congress (Washington, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"The use of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin: its potential to allow safe steroid withdrawal after renal transplantation."
Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (Lisbonne, Portugal) Giral M, Nguyen JM, Daguin P, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Josien R, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Mycophenolate mofetil does not modify the incidence of CMV disease following kidney transplantation but prevents CMV induced chronic graft dysfunction."
International Congress of the Transplantation Society (Rome, Italy) Giral M, Daguin P, Cantarovich D, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Josien R, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Mycophenolate Mofetil prevents CMV induced chronic graft injury."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Duration of delayed graft function predicts long term graft survival. Need for dialysis is not an optimal criterium."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Hourmant M, Coupel S, Giral M, Bignon JD, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Pre and post-grafting immunological and clinical factors influencing the survival of a second kidney transplant. An one center study."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Karam G, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal D, Blancho G, Lenormand L, Soulillou JP.
"ATG induction versus no ATG induction immunosuppression in simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation: results of a single center randomized trial."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Immediate graft function is strong pronostic factor of long term graft survival rate."
Congrès Ouest-Transplant (Poitiers, France) Giral M, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Daguin P, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Les paramètres influençant le démarrage retardé des greffons rénaux : Conséquences sur la survie à long terme de la greffe."
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Karam G, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Soulillou JP.
"Does an acute kidney rejection episode adversely affect kidney graft survival following simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplantation?"
American society of transplantation (Chicago, USA) Cantarovich D, Giral-Classe M, Le Sant JN, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Renal transplantation from cadaver donors over 60 years old."
International Congress of Nephrology (Madrid, Spain) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Dantal J, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Ancelet D, Bignon JD, Soulillou JP.
"Analysis of 648 first cadaveric kidney allografts from a single center with stereotyped sequential therapy."
Congress of the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association (Athènes, Greece) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Are Elderly recipients of kidney transplants less likely to reject ?"
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Kyoto, Japan) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Dantal J, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Ancelet D, Bignon JD, Soulillou JP.
"Analysis of 648 first cadaveric kidney allografts from one center in CSA ERA: which parameters predict graft function at one year?"
World Congress of the Transplantation Society (Kyoto, Japan) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Josien R, Karam G, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Soulillou JP.
"Incidence and impact of acute rejection episodes on short- and long-term graft survival in recipients of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation."
Spanish Transplant Society (Seville, Spain) Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Predictive parameters of first cadaveric kidney graft function in an homogeneons, one-center, population of recipients."
Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology (Lyon, France) Cantarovich D, Giral M, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Karam G, Le Sant JN, Daguin P, Soulillou JP.
"Results of kidney transplantation using high risk donors."
Congrès Ouest Transplant (Tours, France) Giral M, Taddei C, Nguyen JM, Soulillou JP.
"Analyse d'une série de 648 premières greffes de rein de cadavre réalisées au C.H.U. de Nantes entre 1985 et 1992."
Congress European Society for Organ Transplantation (Rodos, Greece) Cantarovich D, Karam G, Paineau J, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Giral M, Soulillou JP.
"Five years experience with segmental duct-occluded pancreatic grafts."


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Front Immunol.
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Rousselière A, Gérard N, Delbos L, Guérif P, Giral M, Bressollette-Bodin C, Charreau B.
"Distinctive phenotype for HLA-E- versus HLA-A2-restricted memory CD8 αβT cells in the course of HCMV infection discloses features shared with NKG2C+CD57+NK and δ2-γδT cell subsets."
Front Immunol. 2022 Dec 1;13:1063690.
Clin Transl Med.
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Freuchet A, Salama A, Bézie S, Tesson L, Rémy S, Humeau R, Règue H, Sérazin C, Flippe L, Peterson P, Vimond N, Usal C, Ménoret S, Heslan JM, Duteille F, Blanchard F, Giral M, Colonna M, Anegon I, Guillonneau C.
"IL-34 deficiency impairs FOXP3+ Treg function in a model of autoimmune colitis and decreases immune tolerance homeostasis."
Clin Transl Med. 2022 Aug;12(8):e988.
Pubmed Link
Mai HL, Degauque N, Le Bot S, Rimbert M, Renaudin K, Danger R, Le Borgne F, Kerleau C, Tilly G, Vivet A, Delbos F, Walencik A, Giral M, Brouard S. 
"Antibody-mediated allograft rejection is associated with an increase in peripheral differentiated CD28-CD8+ T cells - Analyses of a cohort of 1032 kidney transplant recipients."
EBioMedicine. 2022 Sep;83:104226. Epub 2022 Aug 18.
Front Immunol.
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Osmanodja B, Stegbauer J, Kantauskaite M, Rump LC, Heinzel A, Reindl-Schwaighofer R, Oberbauer R, Benotmane I, Caillard S, Masset C, Kerleau C, Blancho G, Budde K, Grunow F, Mikhailov M, Schrezenmeier E, Ronicke S..
"Development and validation of multivariable prediction models of serological response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in kidney transplant recipients."
Front Immunol. 2022 Oct 4;13:997343.
J Am Soc Nephrol.
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Doan Ngoc TM, Tilly G, Danger R, Bonizec O, Masset C, Guérif P, Bruneau S, Glemain A, Harb J, Cadoux M, Vivet A, Mai HL, Garcia A, Laplaud D, Liblau R, Giral M, Blandin S, Feyeux M, Dubreuil L, Pecqueur C, Cyr M, Ni W, Brouard S, Degauque N; on behalf on the DIVAT .
"Effector Memory-Expressing CD45RA (TEMRA) CD8+ T Cells from Kidney Transplant Recipients Exhibit Enhanced Purinergic P2X4 Receptor-Dependent Proinflammatory and Migratory Responses."
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Dec;33(12):2211-2231. Epub 2022 Oct 24.
Kidney Int Rep.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Garandeau C, Houzet A, Kervella D, Ville S, Cantarovich D, Leclech A, Leman C, Gaisne R, Guillot-Gueguen C, Salomon O, Kerleau C, Giral M, Dantal J, Blancho G; Nantes DIVAT Consortium.
"Covid-19 severity in kidney transplant recipients according to their post-vaccination serological assessment."
2023 Jan;8(1):183-187. Epub 2022 Oct 11.
J Clin Med.
Pubmed Link
Letellier T, Kervella D, Sadek A, Masset C, Garandeau C, Fourgeux C, Gourain V, Poschmann J, Blancho G, Ville S, On Behalf Of The Divat Consortium.
"Time-Limited Therapy with Belatacept in Kidney Transplant Recipients."
Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Jun 6;11(11):3229.
Langenbecks Arch Surg.
Pubmed Link
Frey S, Goronflot T, Blanchard C, Kerleau C, Gourraud PA, Wargny M, Caillard C, Hourmant M, Figueres L, Mirallié É; DIVAT Consortium.
"Impact of parathyroidectomy on kidney graft function in post-transplant tertiary hyperparathyroidism: a comparative study."
2022 Sep;407(6):2489-2498. Epub 2022 May 21.
Pubmed Link
Castelli C, Foucher Y, Boucquemont J, Prezelin-Reydit M, Giral M, Savoye E, Hazzan M, Lenain R.
"Impact of kidney transplantation in obese candidates: a time-dependent propensity score matching study."
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2022 Aug 22;37(9):1768-1776. Epub 2022 Apr.
Front Immunol.
Pubmed Link
Pacaud M, Colas L, Kerleau C, Le Borgne F, Giral M, Brouard S, Dantal J.
"Impact of Late and Recurrent Acute Graft Pyelonephritis on Long-Term Kidney Graft Outcomes."
Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 2;13:824425. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.824425. eCollection 2022.
Kidney Int Rep.
Pubmed Link
Ronsin C, Chaba A, Suchanek O, Coindre JP, Kerleau C, Garandeau C, Houzet A, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Giral M, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Ville S.
"Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Kidney and Liver Cyst Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipient With ADPKD."
Kidney International Reports. 2022 Feb 3;7(4):867-875. eCollection 2022 Apr.
Pubmed Link
Colas L, Royer AL, Massias J, Raux A, Chesneau M, Kerleau C, Guerif P, Giral M, Guitton Y, Brouard S; DIVAT Consortium.
"Urinary metabolomic profiling from spontaneous tolerant kidney transplanted recipients shows enrichment in tryptophan-derived metabolites"
EBioMedicine. 2022 Mar;77:103844. Epub 2022 Feb 28.
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Ville S, Garandeau C, Le Borgne F, Letellier T, Cantarovich D, Meurette A, Guillot-Gueguen C, Bentoumi-Loaec M, Giral M, Dantal J, Blancho G.
"Observations on improving COVID-19 vaccination responses in kidney transplant recipients: heterologous vaccination and immunosuppression modulation"
Kidney International. 2022 Mar;101(3):642-645. Epub 2021 Dec 8.
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Benotmane I, Dantal J, Garandeau C, Gauthier-Vargas G, Cantarovich D, Meurette A, Giral M, Caillard S, Blancho G.
"A fourth SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in strictly seronegative kidney transplant recipients."
Kidney International. 2022 Apr;101(4):825-826. Epub 2022 Feb 12.
Kidney Int Rep.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Gautier-Vargas G, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Delbos F, Walencik A, Kerleau C, Hourmant M, Garandeau C, Meurette A, Giral M, Benotmane I, Caillard S, Blancho G.
"Occurrence of de novo Donor Specific Antibodies after Covid-19 in kidney transplant recipients is low despite immunosuppression modulation."
Kidney International Reports. 2022 May;7(5):983-992. Epub 2022 Feb 7.
BJU Int.
Pubmed Link
Mesnard B, Leroy M, Hunter J, Kervella D, Timsit MO, Badet L, Glemain P, Morelon E, Buron F, Le Quintrec-Donnette M, Pernin V, Ladriere M, Girerd S, Legendre C, Sicard A, Albano L, De Vergie S, Kerleau C, Prudhomme T, Rigaud J, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Karam G, Giral M, Ville S, Branchereau J; DIVAT Consortium.
"Kidney transplantation from expanded criteria donors: an increased risk of urinary complications - the UriNary Complications Of Renal Transplant (UNyCORT) study."
BJU International. 2022 Feb;129(2):225-233. Epub 2021 Aug 31.
Int J Mol Sci.
Pubmed Link
Rousselière A, Delbos L, Bressollette C, Berthaume M, Charreau B.
"Mapping and Characterization of HCMV-Specific Unconventional HLA-E-Restricted CD8 T Cell Populations and Associated NK and T Cell Responses Using HLA/Peptide Tetramers and Spectral Flow Cytometry."
International Journal of Molecular Science.2021 Dec 27;23(1):263.
Transpl Int.
Pubmed Link
Patras M, Decullier E, Lebbé C, Delyon J, Dantal J, Legendre C, Mazloum M, Du Thanh A, Boukari F, Morelon E, Jullien D, Kanitakis J, Ducroux E.
"Outcome of pretransplant melanoma after solid organ transplantation: an observational study."
Transplant International. 2021 Nov;34(11):2154-2165. Epub 2021 Sep 29.
Pubmed Link
Colas L, Bui L, Kerleau C, Lemdani M, Autain-Renaudin K, Magnan A, Giral M, Brouard S; DIVAT Consortium.
"Time-dependent blood eosinophilia count increases the risk of kidney allograft rejection."
EBioMedicine. 2021 Nov;73:103645. Epub 2021 Oct 20.
Pubmed Link
Ville S, Lorent M, Kerleau C, Asberg A, Legendre C, Morelon E, Buron F, Garrigue V, Moglie LQ, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Albano L, Sicard A, Glotz D, Lefaucheur C, Branchereau J, Jacobi D, Giral M.
"Timing of Kidney Clamping and Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Outcomes."
Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology. 2021 Nov;16(11):1704-1714. Epub 2021 Oct 8.
Transpl Int.
Pubmed Link
Ouahmi H, Moceri P, Zorzi K, Albano L, Durand M, Karimi F, Morelon E, Buron F, Le Quintrec M, Pernin V, Ladriere M, Girerd S, Dantal J, Loupy A, Couzi L, Ferrari E, Esnault V, Merville P, Legendre C, Giral M, Sicard A; DIVAT Consortium.
"Cohort study: "Outcomes of kidney transplantation in patients with prosthetic heart valves"."
Transplant International. 2021 Nov;34(11):2297-2304. Epub 2021 Oct 19.
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Kerleau C, Garandeau C, Ville S, Cantarovich D, Hourmant M, Kervella D, Houzet A, Guillot-Gueguen C, Guihard I, Giral M, Dantal J, Blancho G.
"A third injection of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients improves the humoral immune response."
Kidney International. 2021 Nov;100(5):1132-1135. Epub 2021 Aug 30.
Bayesian Anal.
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Hua W, Mei H, Zohar S, Giral M, Xu Y.
"Personalized Dynamic Treatment Regimes in Continuous Time: A Bayesian Approach for Optimizing Clinical Decisions with Timing"
Bayesian Analysis. Advance Publication, 1-30, (2021) DOI: 10.1214/21-BA1276
Transpl Int.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Branchereau J, Karam G, Hourmant M, Dantal J, Giral M, Garandeau C, Meurette A, Kerleau C, Kervella D, Ville S, Blancho G, Cantarovich D.
"Clinical utility of C-peptide measurement after pancreas transplantation with especial focus on early graft thrombosis."
Transplant International. 2021 May;34(5):942-953. Epub 2021 Apr 1.
J Clin Epidemiol.
Pubmed Link
Dantan E, Le Borgne F, Giral M, Dion A, Querard AH, Foucher Y..
"Covariates adjustment questioned conclusions of predictive analyses: an illustration with the Kidney Donor Risk Index."
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2021 Jul;135:103-114. Epub 2021 Feb 9.
BMC Nephrol.
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Lorent M, Albano L, Roux S, Pernin V, Le Quintrec M, Legendre C, Buron F, Morelon E, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Glotz D, Lefaucher C, Kerleau C, Dantal J, Branchereau J, Giral M; DIVAT consortium.
"Renal transplantation outcomes in obese patients: a French cohort-based study."
BMC Nephrology. 2021 Mar 5;22(1):79.
Prog Urol.
Pubmed Link
Fosse A, Karam G, Kerleau C, Perrouin-Verbe, Rigaud J, Baron M, Mesnard B, Hedhli O, Ville S, De Vergie S, Chelghaf I, Loubersac T, Boutin JM, Faivre d'Arcier B, Bruyère F, Cantarovich D, Branchereau J.
"[Acute renal failure of the donor in encephalic death: A real contraindication to kidney transplantation?]."
Progrès en Urologie. 2021 Jun-Jul;31(8-9):519-530. Epub 2021 Jan 19. [Article in French]
Pubmed Link
Koenig A, Mezaache S, Callemeyn J, Barba T, Mathias V, Sicard A, Charreau B, Rabeyrin M, Dijoud F, Picard C, Meas-Yedid V, Olivo-Marin JC, Morelon E, Naesens M, Dubois V, Thaunat O.
"Missing Self-Induced Activation of NK Cells Combines with Non-Complement-Fixing Donor-Specific Antibodies to Accelerate Kidney Transplant Loss in Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection"
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2021 Feb;32(2):479-494. Epub 2020 Nov 25.
Pubmed Link
Letellier T, Leborgne F, Kerleau C, Gaultier A, Dantal J, Ville S; Divat Consortium.
"Association between Use of Hydrochlorothiazide and Risk of Keratinocyte Cancers in Kidney Transplant Recipients"
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2020 Dec 7;15(12):1804-1813. Epub 2020 Nov 10.
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Dujardin A, Chesneau M, Dubois F, Danger R, Bui L, Kerleau C, Guérif P, Brouard S, Dantal J..
"Clinical and immunological follow-up of very long-term kidney transplant recipients treated with calcineurin inhibitors indicates dual phenotypes"
Kidney Int. 2021 Jun;99(6):1418-1429. Epub 2020 Nov 1.
PLoS One
Pubmed Link
Boucquemont J, Foucher Y, Masset C, Legendre C, Scemla A, Buron F, Morelon E, Garrigue V, Pernin V, Albano L, Sicard A, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Giral M, Dantal J; DIVAT consortium.
"Induction therapy in kidney transplant recipients: Description of the practices according to the calendar period from the French multicentric DIVAT cohort"
PLoS One. 2020 Oct;15(10):e0240929
J Immunol.
Pubmed Link
Chesneau M, Mai HL, Danger R, Le Bot S, Nguyen TV, Bernard J, Poullaouec C, Guerrif P, Conchon S, Giral M, Charreau B, Degauque N, Brouard S.
"Efficient Expansion of Human Granzyme B-Expressing B Cells with Potent Regulatory Properties."
J Immunol. 2020 Nov 1;205(9):2391-2401. Epub 2020 Sep 18.
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Dujardin A, Lorent M, Foucher Y, Legendre C, Kerleau C, Brouard S, Giral M; DIVAT consortium.
"Time-dependent lymphocyte count after transplantation is associated with higher risk of graft failure and death"
Kidney International. 2021 May;99(5):1189-1201. Epub 2020 Sep 3.
Stat Methods Med Res.
Pubmed Link
Asar Ö, Fournier MC, Dantan E.
"Dynamic predictions of kidney graft survival in the presence of longitudinal outliers"
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2021 Jan;30(1):185-203. Epub 2020 Aug 12.
Pubmed Link
Van Loon E, Giral M, Anglicheau D, Lerut E, Dubois V, Rabeyrin M, Brouard S, Roedder S, Spigarelli MG, Rabant M, Bogaerts K, Naesens M, Thaunat O.
"Diagnostic performance of kSORT, a blood-based mRNA assay for non-invasive detection of rejection after kidney transplantation: a retrospective multicenter cohort study"
American Journal of Transplantation. 2021 Feb;21(2):740-750. Epub 2020 Aug 4.
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Fournier MC, Legendre C, Morelon E, Buron F, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Glotz D, Lefaucheur C, Cassuto E, Albano L, Giral M, Dantal J; DIVAT Consortium.
"Comparison of Machine Perfusion Versus Cold Storage in Kidney Transplant Recipients From Expanded Criteria Donors: A Cohort-Based Study"
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2020 Jun;35(6):1043-1070.
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Ville S, Branchereau J, Cornuaud A, Dantal J, Legendre C, Buron F, Morelon E, Garrigue V, Lequentrec M, Albano L, Cassuto E, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Glotz D, Lefaucher C, Kerleau C, Foucher Y, Giral M; DIVAT consortium.
"The Weekend Effect in Kidney Transplantation Outcomes: A French Cohort-Based Study."
Transplant International. 2020 Sep;33(9):1030-1039. Epub 2020 Jul 13.
Clin Kidney J
Pubmed Link
Mottola C, Girerd N, Duarte K, Aarnink A, Giral M, Dantal J, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Buron F, Morélon E, Ladrière M, Kessler M, Frimat L, Girerd S.
"Prognostic value for long-term graft survival of estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria quantified at 3 months after kidney transplantation."
Clinical Kidney Journal. 2020 Apr; 13(5):791-802.
Pubmed Link
Jacquemont L, Tilly G, Yap M, Doan-Ngoc TM, Danger R, Guérif P, Delbos F, Martinet B, Giral M, Foucher Y, Brouard S, Degauque N.
"Terminally Differentiated Effector Memory CD8+ T Cells Identify Kidney Transplant Recipients at High Risk of Graft Failure."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2020 Apr;31(4):876-891. Epub 2020 Mar.
Pubmed Link
Cheddani L, Liabeuf S, Essig M, Snanoudj R, Jacquelinet C, Kerleau C, Metzger M, Balkau B, Drüeke TB, Hourmant M, Massy ZA; Nantes Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Group.
"Higher mortality risk among kidney transplant recipients than among estimated glomerular filtration rate-matched patients with CKD-preliminary results."
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2021 Jan 1;36(1):176-184. Epub 2020 Mar.
Pubmed Link
Masset C, Boucquemont J, Garandeau C, Buron F, Morelon E, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Cassuto E, Albano L, Foucher Y, Dantal J; DIVAT Consortium.
"Induction therapy in elderly kidney transplant recipients with low immunological risk."
Transplantation. 2020 Mar;104(3):613-622. Epub 2019 Jun.
Pubmed Link
Colas L, Mongodin EF, Montassier E, Chesneau M, Guerif P, Hittle L, Giral M, Bromberg JS, Brouard S; DIVAT Consortium.
"Unique and specific Proteobacteria diversity in urinary microbiota of tolerant kidney transplanted recipients."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2020 Jan;20(1):145-158. Epub 2019 Aug.
Pubmed Link
Marchal S, Kalfa N, Iborra F, Badet L, Karam G, Broudeur L, Branchereau J, Abdo N, Thuret R.
"Long-term outcome of renal transplantation in patients with congenital lower urinary tract malformations: a multicenter study."
Transplantation. 2020 Jan;104(1):165-171. Epub 2019 Apr.
Frontiers in Immunology.
Pubmed Link
Danger R, Chesneau M, Delbos F, Le Bot S, Kerleau C, Chenouard A, Ville S, Degauque N, Conchon S, Cesbron A, Giral M, Brouard S.
"CXCR5+PD1+ICOS+ Circulating T Follicular Helpers Are Associated With de novo Donor-Specific Antibodies After Renal Transplantation."
Front Immunol. 2019 Sep;10:2071. eCollection 2019.
Pubmed Link
Le Berre L, Danger R, Mai HL, Amon R, Leviatan Ben-Arye S, Bruneau S, Senage T, Perreault H, Teraiya M, Nguyen TVH, Le Tourneau T, Yu H, Chen X, Galli C, Roussel JC, Manez R, Costa C, Brouard S, Galinanes M, Harris KM, Gitelman S, Cozzi E, Charreau B, Padler-Karavani V, Soulillou JP.
"Elicited and pre-existing anti-Neu5Gc antibodies differentially affect human endothelial cells transcriptome"
Xenotransplantation. 2019 Nov;26(6):e12535. Epub 2019 Jul 10.
Blood Adv.
Pubmed Link
Bézie S, Charreau B, Vimond N, Lasselin J, Gérard N, Nerrière-Daguin V, Bellier-Waast F, Duteille F, Anegon I, Guillonneau C.
"Human CD8+ Tregs expressing a MHC-specific CAR display enhanced suppression of human skin rejection and GVHD in NSG mice"
Blood Adv. 2019 Nov 26;3(22):3522-3538.
Nat Commun.
Pubmed Link
Koenig A, Chen CC, Marçais A, Barba T, Mathias V, Sicard A, Rabeyrin M, Racapé M, Duong-Van-Huyen JP, Bruneval P, Loupy A, Dussurgey S, Ducreux S, Meas-Yedid V, Olivo-Marin JC, Paidassi H, Guillemain R, Taupin JL, Callemeyn J, Morelon E, Nicoletti A, Charreau B, Dubois V, Naesens M, Walzer T, Defrance T, Thaunat O. 
"Missing self triggers NK cell-mediated chronic vascular rejection of solid organ transplants."
Nat Commun. 2019 Nov 25;10(1):5350.
Prog Urol.
Pubmed Link
Nédélec M, Glémain P, Rigaud J, Karam G, Thuret R, Badet L, Kleinclauss F, Timsit MO, Branchereau J.
"[Renal transplantation on vascular prosthesis]."
Progrès en Urologie. 2019 Oct;29(12):603-611. Epub 2019 Aug. [Article in French]
Pubmed Link
Loupy A, Aubert O, Orandi BJ, Naesens M, Bouatou Y, Raynaud M, Divard G, Jackson AM, Viglietti D, Giral M, Kamar N, Thaunat O, Morelon E, Delahousse M, Kuypers D, Hertig A, Rondeau E, Bailly E, Eskandary F, Böhmig G, Gupta G, Glotz D, Legendre C, Montgomery RA, Stegall MD, Empana JP, Jouven X, Segev DL, Lefaucheur C.
"Prediction system for risk of allograft loss in patients receiving kidney transplants: international derivation and validation study."
BMJ. 2019 Sep 17;366:l4923.
Transpl Int.
Pubmed Link
Conrad A, Petruzzo P, Kanitakis J, Gazarian A, Badet L, Thaunat O, Vanhems P, Buron F, Morelon E, Sicard A; DIVAT consortium and the IRHCTT teams.
"Infections after upper extremity allotransplantation: a worldwide population cohort study, 1998-2017."
Transplant International. 2019 Jul;32(7):693-701. Epub 2019 Jan.
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Le Borgne F, Legendre C, Morelon E, Buron F, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Glotz D, Lefaucheur C, Cassuto E, Albano L, Giral M.
"Lack of impact of pre-emptive deceased-donor kidney transplantation on graft outcomes: a propensity score-based study."
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2019 May 1;34(5):886-891. Epub 2018 Oct.
Pubmed Link
Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Foucher Y, Le Borgne F, Dion A, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Legendre C, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Morelon E, Buron F, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Comparison of graft and patient survival according to the transplantation centre policy for 1-year screening biopsy among stable kidney recipients: a propensity score-based study."
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2019 Apr 1;34(4):703-711. Epub 2018 Jul (IF 2017: 4.600)
Pubmed Link
Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Blanche P, Legendre C, Girerd S, Ladrière M, Morelon E, Buron F, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Giral M, Dantan E; DIVAT Consortium.
"Dynamic predictions of long-term kidney graft failure: an information tool promoting patient-centred care."
Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2019 Nov 1;34(11):1961-1969.
Pubmed Link
Charpentier C, Delyon J, Glotz D, Peraldi MN, Rerolle JP, Barrou B, Ducroux E, Coilly A, Legeai C, Barete S, Lebbé C.
"Kaposi sarcoma in HIV-positive solid organ transplant recipients: A French multicentric national study and literature review."
Transplantation. 2019 Jan;103(1):e22-e28. Epub 2018 Oct.
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Coemans M, Süsal C, Döhler B, Anglicheau D, Giral M, Bestard O, Legendre C, Emonds MP, Kuypers D, Molenberghs G, Verbeke G, Naesens M.
"Analyses of the short- and long-term graft survival after kidney transplantation in Europe between 1986 and 2015."
Kidney International. 2018 Nov;94(5):964-973.
Letters Pubmed Link
Ville S, Cantarovich D.
"Belatacept and Autoimmune Adverse Events."
Transplantation. 2018 Jul;102(7):e355-e356.
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Giral M, Renaudin K, Naesens M, Luning R, Anglicheau D, Morelon E, Huneau A, Paul C, Brouard S, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"The 1-year Renal Biopsy Index (1-RBI): a scoring system to drive biopsy indication at 1-year post-kidney transplantation."
Transplant International. 2018 Jun [Epub ahead of print]; (IF 2016: 3.079)
Stat Methods Med Res
Pubmed Link
Dantan E, Foucher Y, Lorent M, Giral M, Tessier P.
"Optimal threshold estimator of a prognostic marker by maximizing a time-dependent expected utility function for a patient-centered stratified medicine."
Statistical Methods in medical research. 2018 Jun;27(6):1847-1859. Epub 2016 Oct 20.
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Durand M, Dubois F, Dejou C, Durand E, Danger R, Chesneau M, Brosseau C, Guerif P, Soulillou JP, Degauque N, Eliaou JF, Giral M, Bonnefoy N, Brouard S.
"Increased degradation of ATP is driven by memory regulatory T cells in kidney transplantation tolerance."
Kidney International. 2018 May;93(5):1154-1164. Epub 2018 Feb.
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Ville S, Imbert-Marcille BM, Coste-Burel M, Garandeau C, Meurette A, Cantarovitch D, Giral M, Hourmant M, Blancho G, Dantal J.
"Impact of antiviral prophylaxis in adults EBV seronegative kidney recipients on early and late PTLD onset: a retrospective cohort study"
Transplant International. 2018 May;31(5):484-494. Epub 2017 Oct; (IF 2016: 3.079)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Girerd S, Girerd N, Duarte K, Giral M, Legendre C, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Buron F, Kamar N, Del Bello A, Ladrière M, Kessler M, Frimat L.
"Preemptive second kidney transplantation is associated with better graft survival compared to non-preemptive second transplantation: a multicenter French 2000-2014 cohort study."
Transplant International. 2018 Apr;31(4):408-423. Epub 2017 Dec; (IF 2016: 3.079)
PLoS Pathog
Pubmed Link
Jouand N, Bressollette-Bodin C, Gérard N, Giral M, Guérif P, Rodallec A, Oger R, Parrot T, Allard M, Cesbron-Gautier A, Gervois N, Charreau B.
"HCMV triggers frequent and persistent UL40-specific unconventional HLA-E-restricted CD8 T-cell responses with potential autologous and allogeneic peptide recognition."
PLoS Pathogens. 2018 Apr 30;14(4):e1007041.
Transplant Direct
Pubmed Link
Mai HL, Treilhaud M, Ben-Arye SL, Yu H, Perreault H, Ang E, Trébern-Launay K, Laurent J, Malard-Castagnet S, Cesbron A, Nguyen TVH, Brouard S, Rostaing L, Houssel-Debry P, Legendre C, Girerd S, Kessler M, Morelon E, Sicard A, Garrigue V, Karam G, Chen X, Giral M, Padler-Karavani V, Soulillou JP.
"Poor Patient and Graft Outcome After Induction Treatment by Antithymocyte Globulin in Recipients of a Kidney Graft After Nonrenal Organ Transplantation."
Transplantation Direct. 2018 Mar 20;4(4):e357.
Pubmed Link
Querard AH, Le Borgne F, Dion A, Giral M, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Loupy A, Legendre C, Morelon E, Buron F, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"Propensity score-based comparison of the graft failure risk between kidney transplant recipients of standard and expanded criteria donor grafts: Toward increasing the pool of marginal donors."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2018 May;18(5):1151-1157.
Front Immunol
Pubmed Link
Dugast E, David G, Oger R, Danger R, Judor JP, Gagne K, Chesneau M, Degauque N, Paul P, Picard C, Guerif P, Conchon S, Giral M, Gervois N, Retière C, Brouard S.
"Broad Impairment of Natural Killer Cells from Operationally Tolerant Kidney Transplanted Patients."
Frontiers in immunology. 2017 Dec 11;8:1721; (IF 2016: 5.511)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Deltombe C, Gillaizeau F, Anglicheau D, Morelon E, Trébern-Launay K, Le Borgne F, Rimbert M, Guérif P, Malard-Castagnet S, Foucher Y, Giral M.
"Is Pre-transplant sensitization against Angiotensin II Type1 Receptor still a risk factor of graft and patient outcome in kidney transplantation in the anti HLA Luminex era?"
Transplant International. 2017 Nov;30(11):1150-1160; (IF 2016: 3.079)
Stat Methods Med Res
Pubmed Link
Gillaizeau F, Dantan E, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model."
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2017 Aug;26(4):1700-1711. Epub 2015 Jun 7. (IF 2014: 4.472)
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Danger R, Chesneau M, Paul C, Guérif P, Durand M, Newell KA, Kanaparthi S, Turka LA, Soulillou JP, Houlgatte R, Giral M, Ramstein G, Brouard S.
"A composite score associated with spontaneous operational tolerance in kidney transplant recipients."
Kidney International. 2017 Jun;91(6):1473-1481. Epub 2017 Feb
Front Immunol.
Pubmed Link
Tilly G, Doan-Ngoc TM, Yap M, Caristan A, Jacquemont L, Danger R, Cadoux M, Bruneau S, Giral M, Guerif P, Nicol B, Garcia A, Laplaud DA, Brouard S, Pecqueur Hellman C, Degauque N.
"IL-15 Harnesses Pro-inflammatory Function of TEMRA CD8 in Kidney-Transplant Recipients."
Frontiers in Immunology. 2017 Jun 30;8:778.
Pubmed Link
Chenouard A, Chesneau M, Bui Nguyen L, Le Bot S, Cadoux M, Dugast E, Paul C, Malard-Castagnet S, Ville S, Guérif P, Soulillou JP, Degauque N, Danger R, Giral M, Brouard S.
"Renal Operational Tolerance Is Associated With a Defect of Blood Tfh Cells That Exhibit Impaired B Cell Help."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2017 Jun;17(6):1490-1501.; (IF 2016: 6.165)
Acta Derm Venereol
Pubmed Link
Brocard A, Knol AC, Bossard C, Denis MG, Quéreux G, Saint-Jean M, Peuvrel L, Khammari A, Blancho G, Dantal J, Dréno B.
"Clinical, Genetic and Innate Immunity Characteristics of Melanoma in Organ Transplant Recipients."
Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 2017 Apr 6;97(4):483-488; (IF 2016: 3.653)
Eur J Epidemiol
Pubmed Link
Fournier MC, Foucher Y, Blanche P, Buron F, Giral M, Dantan E.
"A joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data to better assess the specific role of donor and recipient factors on long-term kidney transplantation outcomes."
European Journal of Epidemiology. 2016 May;31(5):469-79. (IF 2015: 7.105)
PLosS One
Pubmed Link
Lorent M, Giral M, Pascual M, Koller MT, Steiger J, Trébern-Launay K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Morelon E, Buron F, Golshayan D, Foucher Y.
"Mortality Prediction after the First Year of Kidney Transplantation: An Observational Study on Two European Cohorts."
PLoS One. 2016 May 6;11(5):e0155278. eCollection 2016.
Hum Immunol.
Pubmed Link
Malard-Castagnet S, Dugast E, Degauque N, Pallier A, Soulillou JP, Cesbron A, Giral M, Harb J, Brouard S.
"Sialylation of antibodies in kidney recipients with de novo donor specific antibody, with or without antibody mediated rejection."
Hum Immunol. 2016 Nov;77(11):1076-1083.Epub 2015 Nov 10. 
J Infect Dis.
Pubmed Link
Tonnerre P, Gérard N, Gavlovsky PJ, Mazalrey S, Hourmant M, Cheneau ML, Cesbron-Gautier A, Renaudin K, Bressollette-Bodin C, Charreau B.
"MICA Mutant A5.1 Influences BK Polyomavirus Reactivation and Associated Nephropathy After Kidney Transplantation"
J Infect Dis. 2016 Sep 1;214(5):807-16. Epub 2016 Apr 29.
J Immunol.
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Gavlovsky PJ, Tonnerre P, Gérard N, Nedellec S, Daman AW, McFarland BJ, Charreau B.
"Alternative Splice Transcripts for MHC Class I-like MICA Encode Novel NKG2D Ligands with Agonist or Antagonist Functions"
J Immunol. 2016 Aug 1;197(3):736-46. Epub 2016 Jun 24.
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Massart A, Pallier A, Pascual J, Viklicky O, Budde K, Spasovski G, et al.
"The DESCARTES-Nantes survey of kidney transplant recipients displaying clinical operational tolerance identifies 35 new tolerant patients and 34 almost tolerant patients"
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016 Jun;31(6):1002-13. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
Liver Int.
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Dumontet E, Danger R, Vagefi PA, Londoño MC, Pallier A, Lozano JJ, Giral M, Degauque N, Soulillou JP, Martínez-Llordella M, Lee H, Latournerie M, Boudjema K, Dulong J, Tarte K, Sanchez-Fueyo A, Feng S, Brouard S, Conchon S.
"Peripheral phenotype and gene expression profiles of combined liver-kidney transplant patients"
Liver Int. 2016 Mar;36(3):401-9. Epub 2015 Aug 8.
Transpl Int
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Querard AH, Foucher Y, Combescure C, Dantan E, Larmet D, Lorent M, Pouteau LM, Giral M, Gillaizeau F.
"Comparison of survival outcomes between Expanded Criteria Donor and Standard Criteria Donor kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis."
Transplant International. 2016 Apr;29(4):403-15 (IF 2015: 2.835)
Pubmed Link
Yap M, Tilly G, Giral M, Brouard S, Degauque N.
"Benefits of Using CD45RA and CD28 to Investigate CD8 Subsets in Kidney Transplant Recipients."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2016 Mar;16(3):999-1006. Epub 2016 Jan 28.
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Le Fur A, Fournier MC, Gillaizeau F, Masson D, Giral M, Cariou B, Cantarovich D, Dantal J.
"Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for PTDM after kidney transplantation."
Transplant International. 2016 Feb;29(2):207-15. Epub 2015 Oct 29.(IF 2014: 2.599)
BMC Nephrol.
Pubmed Link
Sébille V, Hardouin JB, Giral M, Bonnaud-Antignac A, Tessier P, Papuchon E, Jobert A, Faurel-Paul E, Gentile S, Cassuto E, Morélon E, Rostaing L, Glotz D, Sberro-Soussan R, Foucher Y, Meurette A.
"Prospective, multicenter, controlled study of quality of life, psychological adjustment process and medical outcomes of patients receiving a preemptive kidney transplant compared to a similar population of recipients after a dialysis period of less than three years--The PreKit-QoL study protocol."
BMC Nephroly. 2016 Jan 19;17:11.
J Clin Invest
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Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Salama A, Le Berre L, Evanno G, Viklicky O, Hruba P, Vesely P, Guerif P, Dejoie T, Rousse J, Nicot A, Bach JM, Ang E, Foucher Y,Brouard S, Castagnet S, Giral M, Harb J, Perreault H, Charreau B, Lorent M, Soulillou JP.
"Rabbit antithymocyte globulin-induced serum sickness disease and human kidney graft survival."
The Journal of clinical investigation. 2015 Dec;125(12):4655-65; (IF 2014: 13.215)
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Chesneau M, Michel L, Dugast E, Chenouard A, Baron D, Pallier A, Durand J, Braza F, Guerif P, Laplaud DA, Soulillou JP, Giral M, Degauque N, Chiffoleau E, Brouard S.
"Tolerant Kidney Transplant Patients Produce B Cells with Regulatory Properties."
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Oct;26(10):2588-98. Epub 2015 Feb.
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Braza F, Dugast E, Panov I, Paul C, Vogt K, Pallier A, Chesneau M, Baron D, Guerif P, Lei H, Laplaud DA, Volk HD, Degauque N, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Sawitzki B, Brouard S.
"Central Role of CD45RA- Foxp3hi Memory Regulatory T Cells in Clinical Kidney Transplantation Tolerance."
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Aug;26(8):1795-805. Epub 2015 Jan.
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Aubert O, Kamar N, Vernerey D, Viglietti D, Martinez F, Duong-Van-Huyen JP, Eladari D, Empana JP, Rabant M, Verine J, Rostaing L, Congy N, Guilbeau-Frugier C, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Giral M, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Delahousse M, Glotz D, Legendre C, Jouven X, Lefaucheur C, Loupy A.
"Long term outcomes of transplantation using kidneys from expanded criteria donors: prospective, population based cohort study."
BMJ. 2015 Jul 31;351:h3557.
Orphanet J Rare Dis
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Cohen C, Charbit M, Chadefaux-Vekemans B, Giral M, Garrigue V, Kessler M, Antoine C, Snanoudj R, Niaudet P, Kreis H, Legendre C, Servais A.
"Excellent long-term outcome of renal transplantation in cystinosis patients."
Orphanet Journal of Rare Disease. 2015 Jul 25;10:90 (IF 2014: 3.358)
Kidney Int.
Pubmed Link
Baron D, Ramstein G, Chesneau M, Echasseriau Y, Pallier A, Paul C, Degauque N, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Sanchez-Fueyo A, Newell KA, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Houlgatte R, Brouard S.
"A common gene signature across multiple studies relate biomarkers and functional regulation in tolerance to renal allograft"
Kidney Int. 2015 May;87(5):984-95. Epub 2015 Jan 28.
Pubmed Link
Loupy A, Vernerey D, Tinel C, Aubert O, Duong van Huyen JP, Rabant M, Verine J, Nochy D, Empana JP, Martinez F, Glotz D, Jouven X, Legendre C, Lefaucheur C.
"Subclinical Rejection Phenotypes at 1 Year Post-Transplant and Outcome of Kidney Allografts."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2015 Jul;26(7):1721-31. (IF 2014: 9.466)
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Debout A, Foucher Y, Trébern-Launay K, Legendre C, Kreis H, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Buron F, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Poignas A, Blidi A, Soulillou JP, Giral M, Dantan E.
"Each additional hour of Cold Ischemia Time significantly increases the risk of graft failure and mortality after renal transplantation."
Kidney International. 2015 Feb;87(2):343-349. (IF 2014: 8.520)
Pubmed Link
Touzot M, Couvrat-Desvergnes G, Castagnet S, Cesbron A, Renaudin K, Cantarovich D, Giral M.
"Differential modulation of donor-specific antibodies after B-cell depleting therapies to cure chronic antibody mediated rejection."
Transplantation. 2015 Jan;99(1):63-68. (IF 2014: 3.535)
BMC Nephrol
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Meurette A, Daguin P, Bonnaud-Antignac A, Hardouin JB, Chailan S, Neau K, Papuchon E, Gaboriau S, Legendre C, Morélon E, Tessier P, Giral M.
"A personalized follow-up of kidney transplant recipients using video conferencing based on a 1-year scoring system predictive of long term graft failure (TELEGRAFT study): protocol for a randomized controlled trial."
BMC Nephrology. 2015 Jan 28;16(1):6 (IF 2014: 1.520)
Pubmed Link
Yap M, Boeffard F, Clave E, Pallier A, Danger R, Giral M, Dantal J, Foucher Y, Guillot-Gueguen C, Toubert A, Soulillou JP, Brouard S, Degauque N.
"Expansion of highly differentiated cytotoxic terminally differentiated effector memory CD8+ T cells in a subset of clinically stable kidney transplant recipients: a potential marker for late graft dysfunction."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014 Aug;25(8):1856-1868. (IF 2013: 9.466)
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Chapal M, Le Borgne F, Legendre C, Kreis H, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Buron F, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Soulillou JP, Launay K, Daguin P, Offredo L, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A useful scoring system for the prediction and management of delayed graft function following kidney transplantation from cadaveric donors."
Kidney International. 2014 Dec;86(6):1130-1139 (IF 2013: 8.520)
J Clin Epidemiol
Pubmed Link
Dantan E, Combescure C, Lorent M, Ashton-Chess J, Daguin P, Classe JM, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"An original approach was used to better evaluate the capacity of a prognostic marker using published survival curves."
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2014 Apr;67(4):441-448 (IF 2013: 5.332)
Journal SFDS
Pubmed Link
Gillaizeau F, Giral M, Dantan E, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Foucher Y.
"Multi-state analysis of kidney transplant recipients outcome: a semi-Markov model for studying the role of pre-transplant sensitization against Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor."
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique. 2014 Vol. 155 No. 1 117-133
Stat Med
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Combescure C, Foucher Y, Jackson D.
"Meta-analysis of single-arm survival studies: a distribution-free approach for estimating summary survival curves with random effects."
Statistics in Medicine. 2014 Jul 10;33(15):2521-2537. (IF 2013: 2.044)
Pubmed Link
Garrigue V, Szwarc I, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Legendre C, Kreis H, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Kamar N, Rostaing L, Morelon E, Buron F, Daguin P, Mourad G.
"Influence of Anemia on Patient and Graft Survival After Renal Transplantation: Results From the French DIVAT Cohort."
Transplantation. 2014 Jan 27;97(2):168-175. (IF 2013: 3.781)
Stat Med
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Lorent M, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"Net time-dependent ROC curves: a solution for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict disease-related mortality."
Statistics in Medicine. 2014 Jun 30;33(14):2379-2389. (IF 2013: 2.044)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Akl A, Rousseau V, Trébern-Launay K, Lorent M, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Legendre C, Kreiss H, Rostaing L, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Morelon E, Daurès JP, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"An alternative approach to estimate age-related mortality of kidney transplant recipients compared to the general population: results in favor of old-to-old transplantations."
Transplant International. 2014 Feb;27(2):219-225. (IF 2012: 3.155)
Pubmed Link
Chesneau M, Pallier A, Braza F, Lacombe G, Le Gallou S, Baron D, Giral M, Danger R, Guerif P, Aubert-Wastiaux H, Néel A, Michel L, Laplaud DA, Degauque N, Soulillou JP, Tarte K, Brouard S.
"Unique B cell differentiation profile in tolerant kidney transplant patients."
American Journal of Transplantlation. 2014 Jan;14(1):144-55. Epub 2013 Nov.
Am J Transplant.
Pubmed Link
Chesneau M, Pallier A, Braza F, Lacombe G, Le Gallou S, Baron D, Giral M, Danger R, Guerif P, Aubert-Wastiaux H, Néel A, Michel L, Laplaud DA, Degauque N, Soulillou JP, Tarte K, Brouard S.
"Unique B Cell Differentiation Profile in Tolerant Kidney Transplant Patients"
Am J Transplant. 2014 Jan;14(1):144-55. Epub 2013 Nov 13.
Pubmed Link
Combescure C, Perneger TV, Weber DC, Daurès JP, Foucher Y.
"Prognostic ROC Curves: A Method for Representing the Overall Discriminative Capacity of Binary Markers with Right-Censored time-to-Event Endpoints."
Epidemiology. 2014 Jan;25(1):103-109. (IF 2013: 5.738)
Pubmed Link
Chapal M, Néel M, Le Borgne F, Meffray E, Carceles O, Hourmant M, Giral M, Foucher Y, Moreau A, Fakhouri F.
"Increased soluble Flt-1 correlates with delayed graft function and early loss of peritubular capillaries in the kidney graft."
Transplantation. 2013 Oct 27;96(8):739-744. (IF 2012: 4.003)
BMC Med Res Methodol
Pubmed Link
Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Dantal J, Foucher Y.
"Comparison of the risk factors effects between two populations: two alternative approaches illustrated by the analysis of first and second kidney transplant recipients."
BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2013 Aug 6;13:102. (IF 2012: 2.210)
Pubmed Link
Giral M, Foucher F, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen JP, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Philippe A, Hegner B, Dechend R, Heidecke H, Cesbron A, Devys A, Soulillou JP, Dragun D.
"Pretransplant sensitization against Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor is a risk factor for acute rejection and graft loss."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2013 Oct;13(10):2567-2576. (IF 2012: 6.192)
PLoS One
Pubmed Link
Danger R, Paul C, Giral M, Lavault A, Foucher Y, Degauque N, Pallier A, Durand M, Castagnet S, Duong Van Huyen JP, Delahousse M, Renaudin K, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"Expression of miR-142-5p in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from renal transplant patients with chronic antibody-mediated rejection."
PLoS One. 2013; 8(4):e60702. (IF 2012: 3.730)
Transplant Proc.
Pubmed Link
Cantarovich D, Hodemon-Corne B, Trébern-Launay K, Giral M, Foucher Y, Dantan E.
"Early steroid withdrawal compared with steroid avoidance correlates with graft failure among kidney transplant recipients with an history of diabetes."
Transplantation Proceedings. 2013 May; 45(4):1497-1502. (IF 2012: 0.952)
Transpl Int. Suppl
Pubmed Link
Gillaizeau F, Dragun D, Soulillou JP, Dufay A, Duong Van Huyen JP, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Giral M, Foucher Y.
"A multistate model to investigate the relationship between pre-graft level of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) antibodies and kidney transplant recipients outcome."
Supplément spécial Transplant International: 2012;25 Suppl 2:21-46
Pubmed Link
Brouard S, Pallier A, Renaudin K, Foucher Y, Danger R, Devys A, Cesbron A, Guillot-Guegen C, Ashton-Chess J, Le Roux S, Harb J, Roussey G, Subra JF, Villemain F, Legendre C, Bemelman FJ, Orlando G, Garnier A, Jambon H, Le Monies De Sagazan H, Braun L, Noël C, Pillebout E, Moal MC, Cantarell C, Hoitsma A, Ranbant M, Testa A, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"The natural history of clinical operational tolerance after kidney transplantation through twenty-seven cases."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2012 Dec;12(12):3296-307. (IF 2011: 6.394)
Stat Methods Med Res
Pubmed Link
Combescure C, Daures J, Foucher Y.
"A literature-based approach to evaluate the predictive capacity of a marker using time-dependent summary receiver operating characteristics."
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2016 Apr;25(2):674-85. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
PLoS One
Pubmed Link
Trébern-Launay K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Kessler M, Ladrière M, Kamar N, Rostaing L, Garrigue V, Mourad G, Morelon E, Soulillou JP and Dantal J.
"Poor long-term outcome in second kidney transplantation: a delayed event."
PLoS One. 2012; 7(10):e47915 (IF 2011: 4.092)
Pubmed Link
Thibault-Espitia A, Foucher Y, Danger R, Migone T, Pallier A, Castagnet S, G-Gueguen C, Devys A, C-Gautier A, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"BAFF and BAFF-R levels are associated with risk of long-term kidney graft dysfunction and development of donor-specific antibodies."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2012 Oct;12(10):2754-2762. (IF 2011: 6.394)
Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y and Danger R.
"Time dependent ROC curves for the estimation of true prognostic capacity of microarray data."
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2012 Nov 22;11(6):Article 1. (IF 2011: 1.517)
Int J of Biostat
Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, and Daurès JP.
"Cut-Off Estimation and Medical Decision Making Based on a Continuous Prognostic Factor: The Prediction of Kidney Graft Failure."
The International Journal of Biostatistics. 2012 Jan 6;8(1). (IF 2011: 1.284)
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Combescure C, Ashton-Chess J, Giral M.
"Prognostic Markers: Data Misinterpretation Often Leads to Overoptimistic Conclusions."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2012 Apr;12(4):1060-1. Epub 2012 Jan. (IF 2011: 6.394)
PubMed Link
Cantarovich D, De Amicis S, Akl A, Devys A, Vistoli F, Karam G, Soulillou JP.
"Posttransplant Donor-Specific Anti-HLA Antibodies Negatively Impact Pancreas Transplantation Outcome."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2011 Dec;11(12):2737-2746 (IF 2010: 6.048)
Transpl Int
PubMed Link
Jacquet A, Pallet N, Kessler M, Hourmant M, Garrigue V, Rostaing L, Kreis H, Legendre C, Mamzer-Bruneel MF.
"Outcomes of renal transplantation in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a nationwide longitudinal study."
Transplant International. 2011 Jun;24(6):582-587 (IF 2010: 3.211)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Brouard S, Le Bars A, Dufay A, Gosselin M, Foucher Y, Guillet M, Cesbron-Gautier A, Thervet E, Legendre C, Dugast E, Pallier A, Guillot-Gueguen C, Lagoutte L, Evanno G, Giral M, Soulillou JP.
"Identification of a gene expression profile associated with operational tolerance among a selected group of stable kidney transplant patients."
Transplant International. 2011 Jun;24(6):536-547. (IF 2010: 3.211)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Kessler M, Ladriere M, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Legendre C, Martinez F, Rostaing L, Alla F.
"Does preemptive kidney transplantation with a deceased donor improve outcomes? Results from a French transplant network."
Transplant International. 2011 Mar;24(3):266-275 (IF 2010: 3.211)
Pubmed Link
Canaud G, Bienaimé F, Noël LH, Alyanakian MA, Dautzenberg MD, Thervet E, Anglicheau D, Kreis H, Royale V, Martinez F, Legendre C, Zuber J.
"Severe vascular lesions and poor functional outcome in kidney transplant recipients with lupus anticoagulant antibodies."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Sep;10(9):2051-60. (IF 2009: 6.433)
Clinical transplants Ladrière, M and Foucher, Y and Legendre, C and Kamar, N and Garrigue, V and Morélon, E and Kessler, M and Soulillou, JP and Giral M.
"The western europe cohort of kidney transplanted recipients - the DIVAT network."
Clinical transplants. 2010:460-461.
J Urol
Pubmed Link
Timsit MO, Lalloué F, Bayramov A, Taylor M, Billaut C, Legendre C, Kreis H, Badet L, Méjean A.
"Should routine pyeloureterostomy be advocated in adult kidney transplantation? A prospective study of 283 recipients."
Journal of Urology. 2010 Nov;184(5):2043-2048. (IF 2009: 4.016)
Pubmed Link
Scemla A, Loupy A, Candon S, Mamzer MF, Martinez F, Zuber J, Sberro R, Legendre C, Thervet E.
"Incidence of infectious complications in highly sensitized renal transplant recipients treated by rituximab : a case controlled study."
Transplantation. 2010 Dec 15;90(11):1180-4.(IF 2009: 3.498)
Pubmed Link
Touzot M, Pillebout E, Matignon M, Tricot L, Viard JP, Rondeau E, Legendre C, Glotz D, Delahousse M, Lang P, Peraldi MN.
"Renal transplantation in HIV infected patients: the experience from Paris."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Oct;10(10):2263-9.(IF 2009: 6.433)
Kidney Int
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Daguin P, Akl A, Kessler M, Ladrière M, LegendreC, Kreis H, Durand D, Kamar N, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Bayle F, Hurault de Ligny B, Büchler M, Meier C, Daurès JP, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"A clinical scoring system highly predictive of long-term kidney graft survival."
Kidney international. 2010 Dec;78(12):1288-1294 (IF 2009: 6.193)
Stat Med
Pubmed Link
Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daures JP.
"Time-dependent ROC analysis for a three-class prognostic with application to kidney transplantation."
Statistics in medicine. 2010 Dec 30;29(30):3079-3087 (IF 2009: 1.990)
Eur J Immunol
Pubmed Link
Miqueu P, Degauque N, Guillet M, Giral M, Ruiz C, Pallier A, Braudeau C, Roussey-Kesler G, Ashton-Chess J, Doré JC, Thervet E, Legendre C, Hernandez-Fuentes MP, Warrens AN, Goldman M, Volk HD, Janssen U, Wood KJ, Lechler RI, Bertrand D, Sébille V, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"Analysis of the peripheral T cell repertoire in kidney transplant patients."
European journal of immunology. 2010 (IF 2009: 5.179)
Transpl Int
Pubmed Link
Leone F, Akl A, Giral M, Dantal J, Blancho G, Soulillou JP, Cantarovich D.
"Six months anti-viral prophylaxis significantly decreased cytomegalovirus disease compared with no anti-viral prophylaxis following renal transplantation."
Transplant International. 2010 Sep;23(9):897-906. (IF 2009: 3.254)
Transpl Int
PubMed Link
Pallet N, Rouach Y, Correas JM, Zahar JR, Legendre C, Mamzer MF
"Bilateral urinary leak originating from the native ureters in a dual kidney transplant patient."
Transplant International. 2010 Sep; 23(9):e51-52. (IF 2009: 3.254)
J Invest Dermatol
PubMed Link
Aubin F, Courivaud C, Bamoulid J, Loupy A, Deschamps M, Ferrand C, Le Corre D, Tiberghien P, Chalopin JM, Legendre C, Thervet E, Humbert P, Saas P, Ducloux D.
"Influence of Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene promoter polymorphism at position-765 on skin cancer after transplantation."
The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2010 Aug;130(8):2134-6.
Transpl Int
PubMed Link
Timsit MO, Rabant M, Snanoudj R, Cohen D, Salin A, Malek S, Rouach Y, Kreis H, Legendre C, Méjean A.
"Single graft loss in dual renal transplant recipients: impact of graft placement on recipient outcomes."
Transplant International. 2010 Jul 28. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 2009: 3.254)
Kidney Int
PubMed Link
Ashton-Chess J, Le Mai H, Jovanovic V, Renaudin K, Foucher Y, Giral M, Moreau A, Dugast E, Mengel M, Racapé M, Danger R, Usal C, Smit H, Guillet M, Gwinner W, Leberre L, Dantal J, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"Immunoproteasome beta subunit ten is increased in chronic antibody-mediated rejection."
Kidney International. 2010 May;77(10):880-890. (IF 2009: 6.193)
Transplant rev
PubMed Link
Canaud G, Martinez F, Noël LH, Mamzer MF, Niaudet P, Legendre C.
"Therapeutic approach to focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis recurrence in kidney transplant recipients."
Transplantation reviews (Orlando). 2010 Jul;24(3):121-8.
PubMed Link
Canaud G, Knebelmann B, Harris PC, Vrtovsnik F, Correas JM, Pallet N, Heyer CM, Letavernier E, Bienaimé F, Thervet E, Martinez F, Terzi F, Legendre C.
"Therapeutic mTOR inhibition in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: What is the appropriate serum level?"
American Journal of Transplantation 2010 Jul;10(7):1701-1706. (IF 2009: 6.433)
PubMed Link
Martinez F, Kamar N, Pallet N, Lang P, Durrbach A, Lebranchu Y, Adem A, Barbier S, Cassuto-Viguier E, Glowaki F, Le Meur Y, Rostaing L, Legendre C, Hermine O, Choukroun G; NeoPDGF Study Investigators.
"High dose epoetin beta in the first weeks following renal transplantation and delayed graft function: Results of the Neo-PDGF Study."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Jul;10(7):1695-1700. (IF 2009: 6.433)
PubMed Link
Pallet N, Burgard M, Quamouss O, Rabant M, Bererhi L, Martinez F, Thervet E, Anglicheau D, Noel LH, Rouzioux C, Legendre C.
"Cidofovir may be deleterious in BK virus-associated nephropathy."
Transplantation. 2010 Jun 27; 89(12):1542-1544. (IF 2009: 3.498)
PubMed Link
Loupy A, Suberbielle-Boissel C, Zuber J, Anglicheau D, Timsit MO, Martinez F, Thervet E, Bruneval P, Charron D, Hill GS, Nochy D, Legendre C.
"Combined posttransplant prophylactic IVIg/anti-CD 20/plasmapheresis in kidney recipients with preformed donor-specific antibodies: a pilot study."
Transplantation. 2010 Jun 15; 89(11):1403-1410. (IF 2009: 3.498)
PubMed Link
Giral M, Foucher Y, Karam G, Labrune Y, Kessler M, de Ligny BH, Büchler M, Bayle F, Meyer C, Trehet N, Daguin P, Renaudin K, Moreau A, Soulillou JP.
"Kidney and recipient weight incompatibility reduces long-term graft survival."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2010 Jun;21(6):1022-1029. (IF 2009: 7.689)
PubMed Link
Loupy A, Hill GS, Nochy D, Legendre C.
"Antibody-mediated microcirculation injury is the major cause of late kidney transplant failure."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Apr;10(4):952; author reply 953. (IF 2009: 6.433)
Stat Methods Med Res
PubMed Link
Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"A flexible semi-Markov model for interval-censored data and goodness-of-fit testing."
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2010 Apr;19(2):127-145. (IF 2009: 2.569)
Nephrol Dial Transplant
PubMed Link
Canaud G, Dion D, Zuber J, Gubler MC, Sberro R, Thervet E, Snanoudj R, Charbit M, Salomon R, Martinez F, Legendre C, Noel LH, Niaudet P.
"Recurrence of nephrotic syndrome after transplantation in a mixed population of children and adults: course of glomerular lesions and value of the Columbia classification of histological variants of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)."
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2010 Apr;25(4):1321-1328. (IF 2009: 3.306)
PubMed Link
Sberro-Soussan R, Zuber J, Suberbielle-Boissel C, Candon S, Martinez F, Snanoudj R, Rabant M, Pallet N, Nochy D, Anglicheau D, Leruez M, Loupy A, Thervet E, Hermine O, Legendre C.
"Bortezomib as the sole post-renal transplantation desensitization agent does not decrease donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Mar;10(3):681-686. (IF 2009: 6.433)
Am J Kidney Dis
PubMed Link
Canaud G, Bruneval P, Noël LH, Correas JM, Audard V, Zafrani L, Rabant M, Timsit MO, Martinez F, Anglicheau D, Thervet E, Patey N, Legendre C, Zuber J.
"Glomerular collapse associated with subtotal renal infarction in kidney transplant recipients with multiple renal arteries."
American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2010 Mar;55(3):558-565. (IF 2009: 5.152)
Clin Transplant
PubMed Link
Cantarovich F, Martinez F, Heguilen R, Thervet E, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Gonzalez C, Legendre C.
"Proteinuria >0.5 g/d, a prevalent prognostic factor for patient and graft survival in kidney transplantation."
Clinical Transplantation. 2010 Mar 1;24(2):175-180. (IF 2009: 2.004)
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Israni AK, Snyder JJ, Skeans MA, Peng Y, Maclean JR, Weinhandl ED, Kasiske BL; PORT Investigators: Brennan D, Connaire J, Israni A, Gaston R, Gill J, Legendre C, Kreis H, Lopau K, Matas A, Kasiske B, Pesavento T, Pilmore H, Pirsch J, Tanabe K, Setoguchi K, Torres A, Hernandez D, Porrini E, Vanrenterghem Y, Watschinger B.
"Predicting coronary heart disease after kidney transplantation: Patient Outcomes in Renal Transplantation (PORT) Study."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2010 Feb;10(2):338-353. (IF 2009: 6.433)
Clin Transplant
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Mai HL, Cesbron A, Brouard S, Blancho G, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Hourmant M, Lino M, Meurette A, Gosselin M, Abadie O, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Bortezomib in the treatment of antibody-mediated rejection - a report of 3 cases."
Clinical transplantation. 2009:361-368 (IF 2008: 1.915)
JP J Biostat Rousseau V, Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daurès JP.
"Informative censoring in a multiplicative relative survival model: application for kidney transplant recipients."
JP Journal of Biostatistics. 2009;3(3):195-214.
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Courivaud C, Bamoulid J, Loupy A, Deschamps M, Ferrand C, Le Corre D, Tiberghien P, Chalopin JM, Legendre C, Thervet E, Saas P, Ducloux D.
"Influence of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene promoter polymorphism -765 on graft loss after renal transplantation."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2009 Dec;9(12):2752-2757. (IF 2008: 6.559)
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Loupy A, Suberbielle-Boissel C, Hill GS, Lefaucheur C, Anglicheau D, Zuber J, Martinez F, Thervet E, Méjean A, Charron D, Duong van Huyen JP, Bruneval P, Legendre C, Nochy D.
"Outcome of subclinical antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplant recipients with preformed donor-specific antibodies."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2009 Nov;9(11):2561-2570. (IF 2008: 6.559)
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Snanoudj R, Rabant M, Timsit MO, Karras A, Savoye E, Tricot L, Loupy A, Hiesse C, Zuber J, Kreis H, Martinez F, Thervet E, Méjean A, Lebret T, Legendre C, Delahousse M.
"Donor-estimated GFR as an appropriate criterion for allocation of ECD kidneys into single or dual kidney transplantation."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2009 Nov;9(11):2542-2551. (IF 2008: 6.559)
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Courivaud C, Bamoulid J, Tiberghien P, Saas P, Chalopin JM, Ducloux D, Legendre C, Thervet E.
"G-765C COX-2 gene promoter polymorphism and risk of atherosclerosis after kidney transplantation."
Transplantation. 2009 Sep 27;88(6):851-852. (IF 2008: 3.816)
Pediatr Transplant
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Allain-Launay E, Roussey-Kesler G, Ranchin B, Guest G, Maisin A, Novo R, André JL, Cloarec S, Guyot C.
"Mortality in pediatric renal transplantation: a study of the French pediatric kidney database."
Pediatric transplantation. 2009 Sep; 13(6):725-730. (IF 2008: 1.862)
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Zafrani L, Truffaut L, Kreis H, Etienne D, Rafat C, Lechaton S, Anglicheau D, Zuber J, Ciroldi M, Thervet E, Snanoudj R, Mamzer MF, Martinez F, Timsit MO, Bergougnoux L, Legendre C.
"Incidence, risk factors and clinical consequences of neutropenia following kidney transplantation: a retrospective study."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2009 Aug;9(8):1816-1825. (IF 2008: 6.559)
Nat Rev Nephrol
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Zuber J, Bellanné-Chantelot C, Carette C, Canaud G, Gobrecht S, Gaha K, Mallet V, Martinez F, Thervet E, Timsit J, Legendre C, Dubois-Laforgue D.
"HNF1B-related diabetes triggered by renal transplantation."
Nature reviews Nephrology. 2009 Aug;5(8):480-484
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Canaud G, Zuber J, Sberro R, Royale V, Anglicheau D, Snanoudj R, Gaha K, Thervet E, Lefrère F, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Noël LH, Méjean A, Legendre Ch, Martinez F.
"Intensive and prolonged treatment of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis recurrence in adult kidney transplant recipients: a pilot study."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2009 May;9(5):1081-1086. (IF 2008: 6.559)
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Ashton-Chess J, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"Using biomarkers of tolerance and rejection to identify high- and low-risk patients following kidney transplantation."
Transplantation. 2009 May 15;87(9 Suppl):S95-9. (IF 2008: 3.816)
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Ashton-Chess J, Dugast E, Colvin RB, Giral M, Foucher Y, Moreau A, Renaudin K, Braud C, Devys A, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Regulatory, effector, and cytotoxic T cell profiles in long-term kidney transplant patients."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2009 May;20(5):1113-1122. (IF 2008: 7.505)
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Canaud G, Timsit MO, Zuber J, Bougnoux ME, Méjean A, Thervet E, Snanoudj R, Sberro R, Martinez F, Legendre C, Mamzer-Bruneel MF.
"Early conservative intervention for candida contamination of preservative fluid without allograft nephrectomy."
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2009 Apr;24(4):1325-1327. (IF 2008: 3.568)
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Pallet N, Loriot MA, Anglicheau D, Legendre C, Beaune P, Thervet E.
"VKORC1 haplotypes and long-term renal allograft survival."
Transplantation. 2009 Mar 27; 87(6):942. (IF 2008: 3.816)
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Anglicheau D, Loupy A, Lefaucheur C, Pessione F, Létourneau I, Côté I, Gaha K, Noël LH, Patey N, Droz D, Martinez F, Zuber J, Glotz D, Thervet E, Legendre C.
"A simple clinico-histopathological composite scoring system is highly predictive of graft outcomes in marginal donors."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2008 Nov;8(11):2325-2334. (IF 2007: 6.423)
Clin Infect Dis
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Scemla A, Kreis H, Legendre C.
"Less pessimistic long-term results for patients with cytomegalovirus disease."
Clinical infectious diseases 2008 Nov 15;47(10):1360-1; author reply 1361-1362. (IF 2007: 6.750)
Zuber J, Beldjord K, Casadevall N, Thervet E, Legendre C, Varet B.
"Immune-mediated pure red cell aplasia in renal transplant recipients."
Haematologica. 2008 Nov; 93(11):1750-1752. (IF 2008: 5,978)
PubMed Link
Bollée G, Anglicheau D, Loupy A, Zuber J, Patey N, Mac Gregor D, Martinez F, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Snanoudj R, Thervet E, Legendre C, Noël LH.
"High-dosage intravenous immunoglobulin-associated macrovacuoles are associated with chronic tubulointerstitial lesion worsening in renal transplant recipients."
Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2008 Sep;3(5):1461-1468. (IF 2008: 4.361)
PubMed Link
Hertig A, Anglicheau D, Verine J, Pallet N, Touzot M, Ancel PY, Mesnard L, Brousse N, Baugey E, Glotz D, Legendre C, Rondeau E, Xu-Dubois YC.
"Early epithelial phenotypic changes predict graft fibrosis."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2008 Aug;19(8):1584-1591. (IF 2007: 7.111)
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Le Quintrec M, Lionet A, Kamar N, Karras A, Barbier S, Buchler M, Fakhouri F, Provost F, Fridman WH, Thervet E, Legendre C, Zuber J, Frémeaux-Bacchi V.
"Complement mutation-associated de novo thrombotic microangiopathy following kidney transplantation."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2008 Aug;8(8):1694-1701. (IF 2007: 6.423)
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Sberro R, Zuber J, Froissart M, Canaud G, Prié D, Martinez F, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Anglicheau D, Legendre C, Thervet E.
"Determination of lowest possible creatinine in living-donor kidney renal transplant recipients based on donor kidney function."
Transplantation 2008 Aug 27;86(4):558-563. (IF 2007: 3.641)
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Zuber J, Anglicheau D, Elie C, Bererhi L, Timsit MO, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Ciroldi M, Martinez F, Snanoudj R, Hiesse C, Kreis H, Eustache F, Laborde K, Thervet E, Legendre C.
"Sirolimus may reduce fertility in male renal transplant recipients."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2008 Jul;8(7):1471-1479. (IF 2007: 6.423)
PubMed Link
Ashton-Chess J, Giral M, Mengel M, Renaudin K, Foucher Y, Gwinner W, Braud C, Dugast E, Quillard T, Thebault P, Chiffoleau E, Braudeau C, Charreau B, Soulillou JP, Brouard S.
"Tribbles-1 as a novel biomarker of chronic antibody-mediated rejection."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2008 Jun;19(6):1116-27. (IF 2007: 7.111)
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Letavernier E, Legendre C.
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Transplantation reviews (Orlando). 2008 Apr;22(2):125-130.
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Legendre C, Pascual M.
"Improving outcomes for solid-organ transplant recipients at risk from cytomegalovirus infection: late-onset disease and indirect consequences."
Clinical infectious diseases. 2008 Mar 1;46(5):732-740. (IF 2007: 6.750)
Clin Transpl
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Foucher Y, Daguin P, Kessler M, Ladriere M, Legendre C, Kreis H, Durand D, Laveyssiere L, Mourad G, Garrigue V, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"How well do pre- and peritransplant variables predict the long-term results of kidney transplantation?"
Clinical transplants. 2008:113-118
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Foucher Y, Giral M, Soulillou JP, Daures JP.
"A semi-Markov model for multistate and interval-censored data with multiple terminal events. Application in renal transplantation."
Statistics in medicine. 2007 Dec 30; 26(30):5381-5393. (IF 1.737)
PubMed Link
Giral M, Bertola JP, Foucher Y, Villers D, Bironneau E, Blanloeil Y, Karam G, Daguin P, Lerat L, Soulillou JP.
"Effect of brain-dead donor resuscitation on delayed graft function: results of a monocentric analysis."
Transplantation. 2007 May 15; 83(9):1174-1181. (IF 2006: 3.972)
PubMed Link
Anglicheau D, Loupy A, Suberbielle C, Zuber J, Patey N, Noël LH, Cavalcanti R, Le Quintrec M, Audat F, Méjean A, Martinez F, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Thervet E, Legendre C.
"Posttransplant prophylactic intravenous immunoglobulin in kidney transplant patients at high immunological risk: a pilot study."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2007 May;7(5):1185-1192. (IF 2006: 6.843)
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Loupy A, Anglicheau D, Timsit MO, Thervet E, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Martinez F, Desgranchamps F, Thiounn N, Kreis H, Legendre C, Chrétien Y, Méjean A.
"Impact of surgical procedures and complications on outcomes of third and subsequent kidney transplants."
Transplantation. 2007 Feb 27; 83(4):385-391. (IF 2006: 3.972)
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Loupy A, Anglicheau D, Suberbielle C, Méjean A, Martinez F, Zuber J, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Kreis H, Thervet E, Thiounn N, Legendre C.
"Long-term outcome of third kidney transplants."
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2007 Sep;22(9):2693-2700. (IF 2006: 3.154)
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Kessler M, Jay N, Molle R, Guillemin F.
"Excess risk of cancer in renal transplant patients."
Transplant international. 2006 Nov; 19(11):908-914. (IF 2005: 1.797)
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Lebbé C, Euvrard S, Barrou B, Pouteil-Noble C, Garnier JL, Glotz D, Legendre C, Francès C.
"Sirolimus conversion for patients with posttransplant Kaposi's sarcoma."
American Journal of Transplantation 2006 Sep;6(9):2164-2168. (IF 2005: 6.002)
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Roussey-Kesler G, Giral M, Moreau A, Subra JF, Legendre C, Noël C, Pillebout E, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"Clinical operational tolerance after kidney transplantation."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2006 Apr;6(4):736-746. (IF 2005: 6.002)
PubMed Link
Pallet N, Anglicheau D, Martinez F, Mamzer MF, Legendre C, Thervet E.
"Comparison of sequential protocol using basiliximab versus antithymocyte globulin with high-dose mycophenolate mofetil in recipients of a kidney graft from an expanded-criteria donor."
Transplantation. 2006 Mar 27; 81(6):949-952. (IF 2005: 3.879)
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Karam G, Hétet JF, Maillet F, Rigaud J, Hourmant M, Soulillou JP, Giral M.
"Late ureteral stenosis following renal transplantation: risk factors and impact on patient and graft survival."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2006 Feb;6(2):352-356. (IF 2005: 6.002)
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Pallet N, Thervet E, Alberti C, Emal-Aglaé V, Bedrossian J, Martinez F, Roy C, Legendre C.
"Kidney transplant in black recipients: are African Europeans different from African Americans?"
American Journal of Transplantation 2005 Nov;5(11):2682-2687. (IF 2004: 5.306)
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Hourmant M, Cesbron-Gautier A, Terasaki PI, Mizutani K, Moreau A, Meurette A, Dantal J, Giral M, Blancho G, Cantarovich D, Karam G, Follea G, Soulillou JP, Bignon JD.
"Frequency and clinical implications of development of donor-specific and non-donor-specific HLA antibodies after kidney transplantation."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2005 Sep;16(9):2804-2812. (IF 2004: 6.644)
Kidney Int
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Lair D, Coupel S, Giral M, Hourmant M, Karam G, Usal C, Bignon JD, Brouard S, Soulillou JP.
"The effect of a first kidney transplant on a subsequent transplant outcome: an experimental and clinical study."
Kidney international. 2005 Jun; 67(6):2368-2375. (IF 2004: 4.790)
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Laouad I, Büchler M, Weestel PF, Lebranchu Y, Legendre C, Choukroun G, Thervet E.
"Replacement kidney lipomatosis after renal transplantation."
Transplantation. 2005 Feb 27; 79(4):496-498. (IF 2004: 3.568)
PubMed Link
Giral M, Nguyen JM, Karam G, Kessler M, Hurault de Ligny B, Buchler M, Bayle F, Meyer C, Foucher Y, Martin ML, Daguin P, Soulillou JP.
"Impact of graft mass on the clinical outcome of kidney transplants."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2005 Jan;16(1):261-268. (IF 2004: 6.644)
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Karras A, Thervet E, Le Meur Y, Baudet-Bonneville V, Kessler M, Legendre C.
"Successful renal retransplantation after post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease."
American Journal of Transplantation. 2004 Nov;4(11):1904-1909. (IF 2003: 5.678)
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Karam G, Maillet F, Parant S, Soulillou JP, Giral-Classe M.
"Ureteral necrosis after kidney transplantation: risk factors and impact on graft and patient survival."
Transplantation. 2004 Sep 15; 78(5):725-729. (IF 2003: 3.608)
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Fereira LC, Karras A, Martinez F, Thervet E, Legendre C.
"Complications of protocol renal biopsy."
Transplantation. 2004 May 15; 77(9):1475-1476. (IF 2003: 3.608)
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Coupel S, Giral-Classe M, Karam G, Morcet JF, Dantal J, Cantarovich D, Blancho G, Bignon JD, Daguin P, Soulillou JP, Hourmant M.
"Ten-year survival of second kidney transplants: impact of immunologic factors and renal function at 12 months."
Kidney international. 2003 Aug; 64(2):674-680.
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Anglicheau D, Lautrette A, Scieux C, Flamant M, Morinet F, Legendre C.
"Efficacy and safety of lowering immunosuppression to treat CMV infection in renal transplant recipients on valaciclovir prophylaxis: a pilot study."
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2003 Aug;18(8):1654-6.
J Clin Epidemiol
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Alberti C, Métivier F, Landais P, Thervet E, Legendre C, Chevret S.
"Improving estimates of event incidence over time in populations exposed to other events: application to three large databases."
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2003 Jun;56(6):536-45.
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Giral M, Nguyen JM, Daguin P, Hourmant M, Cantarovich D, Dantal J, Blancho G, Josien R, Ancelet D, Soulillou JP.
"Mycophenolate mofetil does not modify the incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease after kidney transplantation but prevents CMV-induced chronic graft dysfunction."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2001 Aug;12(8):1758-1763.
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Thervet E, Anglicheau D, Toledano N, Houiller AM, Noël LH, Kreis H, Beaune P, Legendre C.
"Long-term results of thiopurine methyltransferase activity monitoring in azathioprine-treated renal allograft recipients."
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2001 Jan;12(1):170-6.
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